'I Give A Shit'

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"Vic is older than Mike, but we've known each other since we were five. They're so great. The only friends I've ever had." Raine goes on to tell me. I love the way her eyes light up when she talks about these guys. They seem to be really important to her.

"Their whole family treats me like I'm apart of it. They're really protective of me, though. I can't date anyone without their approval. Not that anyone has ever wanted to date me..."

"Please. Any guy would be lucky to have you. And they're overly protective? I feel like you're the kind of person who would hate that.."

She laughs. "Honestly, it feels good to know someone gives a shit, ya know?"

"I'm sure a lot of people give many shits about you,"

"Nope, not even close," she laughs but it makes me so sad to think of someone so beautiful so alone in this world.

"Well, I give a shit."

Just Friends (A Jaime Preciado Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now