'Tony Slays'

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-----1 month later------

Raine's POV

"I think we need to tell the guys about us," Jaime says to me as we walk into guitar center. We've been going out for about a month now, and I've never been happier.

"Yeah, maybe," I agree as the bell rings and a guy behind the counter greets us.

"I just don't want them to be against it. I really like you, Jaime,"

He stops in front of me, taking my hands.

"I really like you too, Raine. And i know that Vic and Mike are your family and I know that you're going to listen to them no matter what. I can't let myself get so emotionally invested until I know that this is gonna work,"

I smile.

"That's really sweet. But, if they're not on board, I'm gonna have to veer away from them for once. You mean a lot to me, and if they can't see that, then their opinion doesn't matter,"

A small smile forms on his face as he interlaces our hands again. Walking around the store, we forget that we're actually there for new strings and I pick up a few guitars.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" the kid from the counter asks us. He looks about our age, pretty cute actually. He's wearing a snapback, but half of his head is shaved, the other side falls down his back, with a little braid coming out the side. His ears are gauged, and he has a small stud piercing on his upper cheek. He seems shy, but in a nice way.

"Uh, yeah, we actually came here for bass strings, but first I think my girlfriend wants to see that blue electric Fender on the top row, if it's not too much trouble," Jaime says and I blush as he says 'girlfriend'. He knows me too well.

"Not at all," the guy says and goes to get a stool.

"I saw you eyeing that guitar," Jaime smiles.

I giggle. "It's beautiful. But I am in no financial place to spend $500 on a guitar."

"Well, just play it and we'll see what happens"

"I don't want to fall in love with it,"

"Well, if you do, you can always buy it some other time,"

The guy comes back with a stool to stand on and grabs the guitar. He hands it to me, and I immediately fall in love. He pulls up a chair and gestures for me to sit.

"Need a pick?"

I nod. "Please,"

He grabs one off a nearby amp and hands it to me, then plugs the guitar in.

"Thank you," I smile.

"No problem," he smiles back. "I'm Tony, by the way."

"I'm Raine and this is Jaime," I introduce us. Feeling a bit self-conscious to be playing in the middle of Guitar Center, I strum the first few chords to Don't Cry by: Guns N' Roses. The guitar is so great, it feels like it's already worn in. Hearing the sound on the amplifier, I smile realizing that I'm the one making that happen. I'm not a great guitar player, but this particular instrument builds my confidence.

Finishing, I glance up at Jaime, who has a huge smile on his face.

"That was great, babe,"

"Thanks. It wasn't me, it was the guitar," I giggle.

"You should play guitar in the band," he jokes and I laugh.

"You starting a band?" Tony asks Jaime.

"Yup. We have a drummer, bassist, and our lead vocalist is taking care of guitar for now, but it'd be great to have someone,"

"Ah, right," Tony says, looking thoughtful.

"I mean, since you work here, would you happen to know anyone?" Jaime asks.

"Well," Tony starts. "I can play pretty well, and I've been looking for stuff like that,"

"Really." Jaime smiles and I hand Tony the guitar and get up.

"Let's hear ya," I smile at him.

He sheepishly sits down and plays a song I immediately recognize. It starts out slower, but builds up into a fast pace chorus, then into an awesome breakdown. Tony slays.

When he finishes he glances up at Jaime.

"Damn, you made that guitar your bitch," is all he can say. Tony laughs nervously and thanks him.

"I can play acoustic stuff, too, if that's what you guys are looking for,"

"Nah, we're doing more post-hardcore stuff, but we might play around with some acoustic. You're really good, man. I mean, if you want, definitely come to our next practice and meet the rest of the guys. It'd be awesome to have you,"

"Alright, for sure. Thank you," Tony replies and they discuss dates and exchange numbers.

"So, what do you think?" Jaime turns to me.


"The guitar,"

"Oh. I love it, but I'm gonna have to wait,"

"Well," Tony starts. "I can get you a 25% discount,"

"That would be amazing. But i really can't,"

Jaime glances at me.

"I'm not letting you leave here without that guitar."

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