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Janes pov:
Right after they have bitten Marie as well as I Bella, I scoot closer to the middle of them so I can hold both of my sisters hands. They to much surprise right away stop to squirm from the pain and instead look like they simply are peacefully asleep! Which I honestly hope! Not wanting either of my sisters to go through the pain I as well as every other vampire had to go through during our change.
„Has anyone ever seen something like this?" Demetri asks surprised but also really relieved like we obviously all are. No one within this room wanted them to hurt for hours, so seeing them simply asleep is a immense relief. Can't even tell anyone how thankful I am for it thought.
„No. But it's incredible they got spared from the burning pain." Caius answers matter of factly. Only voicing what we all where thinking anyway.
„Marie said she read in the book how the change will be less painful if the three of us will stay close to one another. That's also why I took both their hands. To seal the bond between us so to say." I explain quietly. Guessing they must of read the same thing in the book, at least I think so. Otherwise they wouldn't like for Bella and I to hold Marie's hands. Vampires after all are rather possessive of their mates. There shocked what however makes my rethink my earlier thoughts.
„We didn't know that." my dear brother answers and therefore makes me look at them.
„I thought you did. It was my explanation why you guys were fine with us touching your mate while you only can hold onto her legs." I voice still surprised they didn't know beforehand. Why were they so fine with it then? It doesn't make sense at all.
„We know how much the three of you care for one another. Not only was it clear to see during your talk just minutes ago, but ever since you guys met." Felix starts to say. Not really answering my question but whatever.
„Exactly. And we also know that our sweet Marie won't forgive us if she hears that we would growl at you guys for touching her." he finishes after a deep sigh. Well, this does however makes sense. Knowing Marie she surely would of scolded them before demanding an apology from them to me. That's just how special my youngest sister is. Still can't believe that I do have two sister now myself. Even less two such supportive ones. They both haven't allowed anyone to badmouth me anymore. Those two even made sure that everyone knows that if someone hurt me physically or mentally they won't be taking it lightly and that they will punish whoever dared to do so. I know, those two are just that absolutely amazing!
„They really are something special." I simply reply after a long silence. Their approving nods and chuckles make me smile a bit wider. It's good to know that they also see how special they are. And to think that those two special beings simply opened their hearts and arms for me to include me in their family makes me feel so much more love for them it's truly incredible. Of course I still think that I am not worthy of them, even though they always tell me otherwise. And just as if they once more want me to not think so badly of myself, they both squeeze my hands in unison. Yeah, those two are simply the best sister anyone can ask for.
„Does anyone know what's the matter with Cullen? I was truly shocked at how he was reacting to his mates wish." my brother asks into our round. But to this question no one of us seem to have the answer. My sisters have been telling me of how sweet and caring he has been always. So seeing him bad mouth my cutie pie as well as yelling at Bella shocked but even more pissed me off. How dare him!? Those two mean so much to me so seeing one really hurt and the other one pissed and disappointed makes my stomach boil in rage. He definitely is lucky he is Bella's mate or otherwise I would of hurt him really badly. Maybe if he keeps on acting like the jerk, I am still going to show him my displeasure. At least that might get him thinking!? Hearing a knock from the door makes me look up, but I sure as hell won't move away from my sisters! If they don't feel any pain simply because the three of us are touching I surely won't destroy their peaceful change!
„What do you want?" i hear Caius growl out threateningly.
„I want to see my mate. I need to apologize to her and Marie, it's the least I can do after how I acted back in the living room." I hear Edward saying. He does sound sincere, i do have to say that. Still I won't forget how much he hurt both my sisters. And to be rather frank here, I am not sure that either of them want him here right now. Bella after all stated that she doesn't want to have him here during their change.
„Should Of thought about it beforehand. Now it's to late to talk to them and your mate insisted that we won't let you in. She said she doesn't need someone this unsupportive near her while they are going through their change." Caius matter of factly states.
„Wait!" Edward begs. Guess Caius wanted to close the door in front of his face, at least that's the only thing I can get up with on why he was shouting wait.
„What? You had your chance and you messed up. Rather hugely if I am honest. So what do you expect us to do now?" my brother asks from the doorway now as well. It's obvious to me that they won't allow him in. Like they already told him, Bella didn't want him here so we won't go behind her back! No matter what he may say.
„I know I messed up! Trust me I know. I just was so shocked that they decided on changing already. I wasn't expecting it at all! Not so soon at least!" Edward says but I can't get myself to feeling sorry for him. He was the one being a jerk so now he has to accept the consequences.
„I wanted to ask Bella to marry me before she becomes a vampire. That's why I reacted like I did. Of course it was a complete asshole move of mine but I can't change that now. The only thing I am asking for is to be there for my mate while she transforms." he explains sadly. Seeing Demetri and Felix look at me with questioning eyes I only shrug but than shake my head. It's not that I don't believe his reasoning, but we promised Bella to not allow him in. And promises are meant to be kept. They can talk about this whole thing later, when she is completely transformed. It simply isn't our decision to make if he is allowed in or not, we only need and should follow what she asked us to do.
„We understand Edward, we really do. We also get that you want to be there for your mate. But said mate made us to promise to not let you in. If you want, we can get you after she wakes up and wants to see you. Of at least inform you on when she is finished with her change. But other than that we can't do anything for you." Felix tells him. Hearing a heavy sigh makes me hopeful that he will leave now. Hopeful he understands that there is no way he will be allowed in here at the moment.
„Just please contact me when she wakes up and keep me updated on how she is doing." he says sounding broken, but I can only repeat myself. Bella's wish is more important than how he might feel, after all he was the one acting like he did. Otherwise he would be here along with us, so he should think about that. Maybe that will make him think in the future before hurting my sisters!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now