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Marie's pov:
After Bella and I ate at least our own body weight of all our favorite foods, we decide that now is the time to talk with her and my mates. We all thought it would be best to firstly talk with my mates since they surely are going to be the ones who will take a bit more time to give into the idea. At least that's what I thought!
When we got to the library we once more nod at one another in reassurance that we will stay together no matter what they might say to my decision. The door gets thrown open even before I get the chance of knocking.
„My love!" Caius says and right away pulls me into his hard chest in a tight hug.
„Hey! Are Alec, Felix and Demetri in there as well?" I ask him still held tightly in his protective arms that I love so much.
„They indeed are with me, why don't you three come on in? It looks like you wanted to talk with us anyway." he says and leads the others in while carrying me along with him.
„Princess!" Alec happily calls out and takes me in his arms and out of Caius. The other two quickly following his lead by lifting me out of the other ones arms to cuddle me themselves.
„The three of us would like to talk to you about something important." I say and walk towards my sisters. Wanting and needing to be close to them right now. They after all are my support system! My comfort zone so to say.
„Ok. What is it you want to talk about with us honey?" Felix asks me softly but also rather worried what might be the topic. My guess is that he might think I will leave them, which I definitely is the farthest from what I want!
„I was thinking about my change, talked with my sister about it already which only made the decision even clearer for me." I voice as both my sisters scoot closer to me to make sure I know that they are on my side no matter what my mates may say.
„What did you decide on the change? You know we want pressure you into doing it if you don't want to Sweetheart, right!?" Demetri questions sounding also really worried what I might think or decided on doing. At hearing that, I shake my head vehemently at their assumptions. As if I would ever think they would pressure me into doing anything.
„That's not it. Quit the opposite to be honest." I start a bit unsure but also hopeful that they won't be too angry at me for deciding to change sooner than later.
„It's ok cutie pie! Go on. They need to know what you decided on doing." Janie encouragingly tells me with a reassuring smile on her face. Bella also nods at me with a soft smile on her lips, so after a heavy sigh I nod once, I made my decision so it's time to tell my mates now.
„I want to change today. And before you try to talk me out of it, I thought about it for a very long time and it is what I want. I can't stand the thought of not being able to spend the rest of my life or existence with you. So if that means I have to become a vampire, than so be it." i tell my mates and see their faces change into pure relieve and excitement.
„Thats absolutely amazing princess!" alec is the first to answer and pull me into his arms. To be honest their happy excited shouts confuse me. They after all have been telling me on how this is a huge decision that shouldn't be made lightly nor should I rush the change. And now they all are acting like they have been hoping the whole time that I will still do it without too much time going past. Shrugging slightly, not really caring that much why they are so happy. After all, the only important thing is that they are happy and that after the change nothing will be able to come in between my mates and I.
„See, your worry was completely unnecessary." Bella says with a wide smile. She just like Janie hug me once into them, showing me how happy they are for me. I after all thought that I need to fight my mates on the decision. My mates look at me in confusion but I only shake my head. They don't need to know about my near meltdown that they will be so disappointed in me. Especially since they definitely aren't!
„Well, did you think of who should be the one changing you sweetheart?" Demetri asks me interested, completely ignoring the other threes still confused look. With a shy smile I look at him before mumbling out that I was hoping that they would do that. It's just that I trust them to not hurt me and I kind of also want them to be the last thing I am going to feel as human. I know it sounds silly, but after I voiced my thought process to my sisters back in the kitchen Janie only awhed while Bella with red cheeks informed me on how she also wanted Edwards lips to be the last thing to touch her human form.
„We are really happy that you want us to do the honors honey! Very happy!" Felix says and kisses my lips a few times much to my joy. Giggles flying out of my mouth at all their show of affection and love.
„Thank you. But we should go look for Edward now. Do you want to come along or are you going to wait in our room?" I ask them after remembering that we need to talk with Edward about Bella's change now too. And I definitely want to come along with her! She after all came along to my mates and let's be honest, she has been by my side ever since she became my sister. So it is only logical that I will accompany her on this!
„Why do you guys need to talk with Edward love? I thought we should change you?" Caius asks slightly irritated on my statement. Before I however was able to answer them, Alec already figured out that Bella was going to get changed alongside with me, and of course she also wants her mate to do the honor.
„Then let's go and find Edward." Caius states after pecking my lips yet again. To my joy they decided to accompany us all as well, so now the seven of us went to look for Bella's mate. Hopefully he will react just like my mates have.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now