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Marie's pov:
Today I am two and a half months pregnant which according to Carlisle is near my due date. He has been studying the books where the pregnancy from the true queen is written into ever since we visited him in his office to get an ultrasound done. A lot has been going on since that day! Many of the coven once again visited Volterra to gratulate us for getting pregnant. Many also pleaded for me to help them get pregnant too, which I apparently can do. Only after conceiving my first babies thought. Which I am thankful off since till now I have no idea how I should get anyone pregnant at all. Apparently it is going to become natural after giving birth, so I do hope it truly will be. I after all would love to give others the same joy of getting children.
„Sweetheart? What are you thinking so hard about?" Felix asks me with a smile on his lovely face. Instead of answering him, I simply pucker out my lips. Wanting a kiss after all, I haven't seen him the last two hours! That's simply way too long if you ask me. Hearing his chuckle only makes me pout, I want a kiss, so why is he chuckling.
„You are simply too cute for words!" he quietly says before finally kissing me lovingly. When he pulls away I sigh happily. Still my hands keep on holding onto his shirt, not wanting him to pull away so fast.
„Missed you." I say slightly embarrassed. But I guess it was the right thing to do since he simply sits down before blooping me on his lap as well. His deep purrs make me nuzzle my head into his neck. Loving to be this close to him as well as all of my mates.
„Missed you too sweetheart. But I am sure you sisters have kept you company till now." he whispers softly in my ear. Nodding my head at this. My wonderful sisters have been so sweet and caring during my pregnancy. Not that they weren't before it, but now they make even more sure that i am taken care off at all times.
„Of course we kept our cutie pie company. She however truly missed you and her other mates a lot today. Those sweet little cherubs also have been way more active today." Janie tells Felix who right away looks worried at me.
„Is the pain getting more? You said it isn't that Bad. Otherwise we wouldn't of left your side! You know that Sweetheart right!?" he asks me getting more and more panicked if his face is showing me his true feelings. So with a soft smile on my lips I hold my hand on his cheek in the hope of soothing him.
„It has gotten a bit more, but not too bad. If it would of gotten really bad I would of asked for you guys to come." I explain him honestly. Still his face stays rather worried which I don't like to see at all.
„Please don't look like that. I promise I am fine. Just a few arches. Janie is right thought, the baby's also have been more active. Maybe that's where the arches are coming from. It after all gets pretty tight in there for them." I explain even more but his worry isn't leaving his face no matter what I say.
„Maybe we should go see Carlisle? We wouldn't want to miss anything. What do you say?" he asks me hopeful that I will agree and since I want him to relax again, I nod my head.
„we will go get your other three mates. Meet you at Carlisle's office!" bella says and runs off with Janie following her.
„How about i Carry you? That way I still can cuddle you sweetheart." Felix questions with knowing eyes. After all I always love cuddles!
„I will take that as yes!" he says with a chuckle as he stands up with me held bridal style in his strong and protective arms. Yes, I definitely have gotten used to this! Who wouldn't!?
„My love!? What happened?"
„Princess are you hurt?"
„Are you and the baby's ok Honey?"
Were the things I hear the second we enter Carlisle's office. My three other mates look just like Felix has not too long ago. Bella and Janie also look rather worried about my baby's and i's wellbeing. Carlisle has already pulled out the  ultrasound machine as well as set the examination bed for me. Felix the sweet vampire that he is, lays me softly on said bed and kisses my lips in reassurance.
„Relax Marie, I am sure that your sweet little babies are fine. It's normal that the arches get more the closer the due date gets." Carlisle says with a reassuring smile. Afterwards he reminds me that the gel is going to be cold before he squirts it on my belly. The wand shortly afterwards gets pushed around my stomach. Other than my mates and my sisters i keep my eyes on Carlisle and not on the screen where my babies surely are now visible. Seeing his eyes getting more and more worried makes me feel rather worse. When he gets his forehead in wrinkles I realize that there must be something really bad going on.
„What are you seeing that makes you this worried Carlisle?" I ask timidly. The others now also look at the doctor in panic. Surely also realizing that something isn't right here. At first he try's to act all cool and as if nothing is wrong at all, but after Caius growls furiously at him, he seems to get that he has to be honest here. After all we are talking about my little angels here and i definitely won't allow anything to happen to either of them! Not if I can help it!
„You are way closer to giving birth than we have thought. Closer than I would like. I thought we had more time to study how the delivery is going to be." he says after a heavy sigh. The moment he sees my frightened face though he pats my hand soothingly.
„Don't worry, everything will turn out alright. I simply thought we had more time. But I have been studying the books for long enough to know a normal birth would be the best and safest way to deliver the babies." he soothingly adds. Slowly nodding my head at his answer. He is right, he has studied for over a month and I know he will do his very best!
„About how much time do you think we have until Marie is going to deliver her babies?" bella asks sounding scared as well. She has been squeezing my hand ever since I asked Carlisle what's wrong. Janie stands right next to her and holds my shoulder to have some kind of contact as well.
„Hard to say. Maybe a day, maybe only an hour or two." Carlisle replies after taking a deep breath.
„That being said, she shouldn't be on her own at all! She needs someone by her side to make sure she won't go in labor on her own." he instructs my mates who of course agree to it right away.
„We won't leave her side. Don't worry." Alec says with assurance.
„I do understand that you guys want to spend time with her alone, but I am begging you to get us if anything happens or my sister goes into labor!" Janie literally begs my mates. They seem shocked for a second but than they promise her and Bella to keep them updated at all times. Hopefully this won't take for long and even more I hope and pray for us that my little angels will come in this life healthy and whole. That's the most important for me!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now