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Marie's pov:
To all our shock and joy everything has fallen into place so easily and wonderfully it's still kind of unbelievable! Dad was beyond excited that Bella and I got accepted at our dream Uni. Of course he was kind of sad that both of his babies are going out in the world already and leaving the nest. But over all he was ecstatic for us.
„Sweetheart? The Denali coven arrived." Felix softly says after knocking on the door from the small library I have been sitting in. With a wide smile I look at one of my lovely mates. Thrilled to see him after those long three hours I have been studying in here.
„Felix!" i exclaim and literally jump in his waiting arms. Feeling his strong and protective arms curl around my body makes me sigh dreamily. This is exactly what I needed after the long hours of no contact.
„Aren't you a little love starved?" he says cheekily. He however doesn't seem at all interested in letting go of me either. After all he holds me even tighter against himself.
„Can I get a kiss?" I ask with a small pout. Ever since Caius has pecked my lips all of my four mates started to get more touchy and lovingly towards me. And let me tell you, I love every second of that!!!
„Nothing I would like to do more!" he whispers before kissing me with so much love and affection that my heart nearly melts even more into a mush for him.
„Sorry to interrupt Marie, but the Denali's are getting a bit impatient. They had to travel quit a bit to finally meet their queen." Bella says with a soft giggle. She honestly fit right into this whole queen lifestyle.
„Of Course, let's go!" I say with a giggle myself. Felix who also was smiling at our antics doesn't even put me down on my own two feet. No, he instead starts to walk towards the throne room with me in his arms.
„My queen!" it echoes around the room the second we enter. The first few days it has been rather strange to get called everyones queen, now I have gotten used too. More or less at least. I still don't see the need for the whole bowing. Janie and Bella even got a bit of a lecture when they call me that as well. I explained that since they are my sisters, they at least are princesses as well, and even if they don't like to get referred as that, they still are my family and as such they shouldn't call my their queen. Of course they right away disagreed on the princess part but they did come to terms why I don't like them to call me queen as well. When Felix sat me down on the huge throne in front of the coven that I till now haven't met, I kiss his cheek in thanks for carrying me.
„Welcome to Volterra. It is rather nice of you to come all that way from Alaska to Italy simply to meet me." I say and look from one of them to the other. To my irritation Edward and Alice are standing in the middle of them as well. They did explain to me that they are pretty close with their family since they are the only two covens that live a vegetarian diet. Still, I thought Edward would prefer to stay close to Bella?
„The second we felt that our true queen has taken her rightful place we were adamant of welcoming you my queen." the one very pretty looking one in the middle says with a small bow. The others quickly following her lead.
„I am guessing you are Tanya their leader?" i ask the Woman Who looks slightly surprised of my knowledge of her name, she however smiles nonetheless my way. That sadly changes the second Janie walks into the room. My face of course lights up in joy of being reunited with my second sister now as well. The new coven though growls threateningly at my Janie. Well, that is going to change right away!
„You all better stop growling at my sister before I forget myself!" I say with furry. My poor Janie only shrugs with a sad frown on her usually happy face. She seems to be completely used to all those nasty looks. To all their luck though, they all had enough brain to realize that I meant what I said. At least that's my guess since they all quietened down right afterwards.
„Just ignore them Janie!" I softly tell my sister. Bella as well smiles sadly at her.
„I am really happy to see you back in one piece Janie!" I say and hug her tightly. The moment I pull away from the hug, Bella pulls her I to her arms as well.
„We both are happy to have you back with us!" she adds to make sure Janie understands that she missed her just as much as I did. We weren't really fond of letting her go to intervene on a newly turned family, but she wanted to be the one doing it. So who are we to hold her back?
„I brought them back with me to help them settle in their new life. Hopefully that was in you interest sister." she says and I smile softly at her. I had a feeling that she would do just that.
„That was really nice of you. Thank you." I answer her and see her beaming proudly at my statement.
„I am going to help them settle in their room, only wanted to see you before doing that. Till later you two!" Janie says, hugging Bella and I once more before leaving the room again. Seeing the unsure looks on the Denali coven makes me hold back my eye rolling.
„That's quit enough you guys." bella says and rolls her eyes pretty impressively much to my enjoyment.
„Anyway, was my assumption right that you are Tanya?" I ask the same women again as before.
„That's correct. I am assuming Edward and Alice have told you about us seeing that your sister is his mate my queen." she answers putting the puzzle pieces together. Nodding my head in reply while looking at Edward. He must of told them about Bella then.
„Who else did you brought along with you then Tanya?" I ask her with a smile even though I still am pissed that they would dare growl at my sweet Janie!
„Of course my queen. Over on my left, next to Edward we have Carmen and her mate Eleazar. Next to my right is Kate with her mate Garret. Of course you know Alice already and then we have Irina along with her mate Laurent." she points to the right vampires while she introduces everyone within her coven. So with a small nod of my head I show her that I am following along with what she says.
„Nice to meet you all. Are you planning on staying here for some time or were you only planning on introducing yourself to me?" I ask interested. Since now there where different clans coming to simply welcome me as their queen as well as clans that asked to stay and get to know me.
„We don't be staying for long my queen. Only meant to come and welcome our true queen. I also wanted to speak with you a bit more privately if that would be possible at any time." Tanya says and seems to be slightly uncomfortable. Why, I don't know. But I am adamant of finding that out.
„Of Course." I say but get pretty quick interrupted by both Demetris and Felix's deep growls.
„Of course only if two of my mates can accompany that conversation as well. As you can see they are pretty keen of having me in their eyesight." I say and both of my mates calm down right away again.
„Of Course! I wasn't expecting anything less." Tanya says with an honest smile. So after saying my till laters to the others, I show Tanya to follow along to get this conversation out of the way.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now