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Marie's pov:
„You absolutely need to try this two dresses Marie! They were so made for you!" Bella excitedly say while nearly throwing said dresses at me. Jane Who to my joy was now back at my side again wasn't that amused at that and growled once in warning.
„Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. You know How excited i get when I find some good clothes." bella says with an apologetic face. So with a sigh I take the two dresses and walk towards the bathroom to try them on. Otherwise Bella won't stop bugging me about trying them since she specifically bought them for me even though I was mean enough to let her go on her own. Even though that's not the true, but I do know how my sister works with thinks like that. After I close the door behind me, I hang the dresses over the shower so I can look at them properly. The first one honestly looks breathtaking and it kind of creeps into me that they are way over my budget.
„Bella? How much did those dresses cost again?" I ask feeling worse the longer I look at them. After all the second one looks even more expensive than the first one does. Hearing the soft knock on my door, I open it to see not only my sister but also my mates along with Jane standing there. Crowding the doorway quit a bit.
„I allowed myself to hand your sister one of my Creditcards after hearing how you don't want to go with her and the Cullens. I as well as your other mates want to spoil you my love! That's why we thought since your sister surely knows your style, why not ask her to please get something for you as well while she was out. Sorry if that was too intrusive my love." Caius says in explanation as well as in apology. I don't get why he thinks that's intrusive, I think that's just really really sweet of him.
„Thank you! That was rather thoughtful of you." i start and see him beaming pretty proudly at all of us.
„But I still can't keep those dresses. They are way too expensive. You really don't have to buy such nice things for me. Still thank you Caius!" I add and right away see not only Caius smile falling but the others as well. My sister thought only smiles sadly at me, she surely knew from the start that I won't like that they were that expensive. I am not worthy of those things though, even if she always tells me otherwise.
„Princess? We know that we don't have to buy you expensive things, but what if we want to? We love you and want to spoil you rotten! You after all deserve the world! So please at least try them on and see if you like them? They weren't as expensive as you may think anyway." Alec softly try's to encourage me to do so but I don't think that's a good idea. I know that i will like them and then they will try to talk me into keeping them. So why should i do that?
„Cutie pie? Why don't you explain the real reason you don't want those dresses?" Jane to everyone's irritation asks softly yet with understanding in her deep red eyes. Not sure if that really is a good idea or not, I start to bite my lips again. It's a rather bad habit but what should I do, that's my way of copying with things.
„What does she mean honey?" Demetri asks confused but also worried since my eyes fill with tears again.
„Bella." i mumble already holding my arms out towards my sister who luckily right away pulls me into her body to hug me tightly.
„You are fine Marie! Everything is perfectly fine, but Janie is right. You should tell them why you don't feel like you deserve such nice and expensive things." she softly whispers in my eyes. Of course the vampires still were able to hear what she says, but her whispering is more comforting to me as anyone else's benefit.
„They are your mates. And if you really decide on staying in Italy with them, then they have to know everything to be able to comfort you. You need to be able to talk with them about everything so it will help you to not panic over anything." she explains some more while softly swaying us side to side. Sighing heavily, knowing she is fine, still o am not happy with it. But if I am staying they need to be able to calm me down as well as know what can trigger me into having a panic attack. Still, I don't want to talk about it. Not now! At least as long as Bella is still here she can tell them instead of myself. Right? I mean, that's what a big sister is there for. So without a word I lift my eyes to look into my sisters dark brown one. Of course she understands right away and like the amazing sister that she truly is, she nods in agreement.
„Do you want me to tell them here with you or should I tell them somewhere else? I am sure Edward and Alice would be willing to stay with you, if you would prefer that?" she questions softly. Peeking towards my mates, still unsure if I want to see how they will react to what my sister is going to tell them or not. What if they will never look at me like they do just now ever again? Maybe they even would prefer it if I leave back to Forks after they learn more about my fear. They surely won't like someone so weak as I am.
„Sweetheart? Please No crying." Demetri softly says and wipes the tears off of my face.
„If you don't want us to know then we are going to accept that as well. So please no more crying sweetheart. It hurts us to see you so sad and frightened." he goes on when I look at him directly now. My other three mates are quick to agree with his statement as well, but I know better. It's better to get reed of a bandaid quickly, and this is the same thing. Kind of at least.
„You can tell them here." I mumble and hide my face under Bella's chin. Maybe if I am lucky they won't hate me afterwards.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now