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Marie's pov:
It now has been two weeks since Bella's and I's change. Till now it honestly feels like a dream come true. It might is like it because i now am able to spend even more time with my mates. The advantage of not needing to sleep, you know! But I also feel so much more confident! To the shock of pretty much everyone that heard about it, Bella I And even Jane Who has been living off blood for a very long time, can still eat human food. Let me tell you how amazing it is to steel being able to eat all your favorite foods and that they still taste incredible! Jane was the most surprised at that discovery, but now she enjoys it. The three of dayly sit together in the kitchen. Talking, joking and eating all the goodies we find slash buy. I for my part absolutely love the time together with my two sisters! Since the last two days I have gotten even more hungry, but I didn't really think too much about it. Janie and Bella have Of course been eyeing me in slight worry, but till today they haven't said anything about it either.
„Please Excuse Me. I know how much the three of you treasure this time, but I really need to talk with you guys." Alice says as she suddenly appears in the kitchen as well. We only eye her in irritation, no one ever interrupted our time. And if she needed to talk with us she could of done it a bit earlier or even later on this day.
„Before you get angry at me, I might explain myself a bit more." Alice quickly adds when she sees all our frowning faces. So after sighing quietly I nod at her to tell her to go on. The faster she finishes, the quicker she will leave us alone again. Not that I don't like her! It's just that I treasure my alone time with my sister way too much as to let someone else interrupt this pressures time.
„I had a vision a few minutes ago and I knew that I need to talk to the three of you right away. Alone also. This is a very important topic after all." she explains but only confusing my sisters and I even more.
„Alice you might want to simply tell us what your vision was about." Bella tells her after she has fallen quiet for some time. I don't know why though, I mean it was her wish to talk with us not the other way around.
„Ok. Please hear me out before telling me to shut up." she says while looking directly at me. Janes displeased growl makes her look away again. So to show Janie my gratitude I squeeze her hand softly in appreciation.
„Alright. I am guessing that you guys have realized that Marie has changed slightly. And no, I don't mean since the change! I mean since within the last few days." she starts and waits till we all slowly nod our agreement to her statement. Hearing her heavy sigh at our reply however makes me a little antsy on what might be wrong. What if she found out that there is something really, really wrong with me?
„In my vision, which was strange since I till now never had one about you, you were pregnant. It also seemed like you already are pregnant, at least the vision felt like it's not really in the future but more in the here and now!" Alice goes on and I only shake my head in shock. It can't be! Right? But than, in the book it got discredited that it is a possibility. What are my mates going to say? Are they going to be happy or are they going to leave me? And what if they get mad that they aren't the real dad but some other mate of mine. The worrying slowly makes me feel like I am suffocating.
„Marie? Hey, look at me Marie!" Bella instructs sternly as she squeezes my head in her hands. She also points my face upwards so I now am looking directly at her. Janie right next to her, her eyes look really concerned just like Bella's do.
„Thats it cutie pie! And now take a few deep breaths. You are perfectly fine. We talked about the possibility of you getting pregnant and you were ecstatic, remember!?" Janie says and smiles the best she can at me. The worry however is still swimming in her eyes for me and everyone to see. But she is right. We did talk about it already, so it shouldn't have been such a shock for me. After all, my mates told me how they want at least fifty kids! So that's a good thing. Right!? Taking a few deep breaths along with Bella and Janie till my nerves have calmed at least a bit down again.
„You are doing really good Marie!" bella says with relief.
„What made you so worried in the first place Cutie pie? You always sounded so excited about the possibility of becoming a mum?" Janie questions me carefully. Not letting me out of her sight, not even for a second.
„Don't know. I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast I guess." I voice at least one of my worries to them. Of course I am going to tell my sisters about every worry a bit later, but as long as Alice is still here I won't say anything else. It's none of her business anyway and I simply don't want to be judged for my worries. I at least know that my amazing sisters won't make fun of me for them.
„I am going to let the three of you alone again. Once again, sorry for interrupting your sister bonding time but I needed to tell you guys right away." Alice says and waves a bit saddened towards me. Instead of waving back though I cuddle myself into my two sisters. Needing one of their comforting hugs.
„Ok cutie pie, why don't we sit back down and talk about everything?" Janie says softly. Bella the wonderful sister that she is places a huge slice of cheesecake in front of me before cutting two more slices for Janie and herself. Since I now am alone with those two, I finally can tell them every worry that has run through my head as Alice informed us on my pregnancy. And just as I knew, they stayed quiet while I tell them every little fear I had before they hug me and keep on telling me what an incredible mum I am going to be and how ecstatic my mates are going to be. Those two are simply the best thing that I could of ever asked for!

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now