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Maries pov:
After reading the whole story they have been telling me about ten times, I slowly start to realize that this thing is true and not just a fairytale. The fact that every vampire suddenly feels drawn towards me, they want to protect me and do whatever I ask of them. It's strange to say the least. The best thing I found out while studying the story though, is that I am meant to find my sisters in two total strangers, that however still are a pice of me. It says that i will find the sister bond in two girls, that need a bit extra love as well as share the same spirit as I apparently have. There also is described that my new sisters will receive a heart mark on their left wrist as a sign for the sister hood we share with one another after meeting. I myself have one too, however on my right wrist.
„So Bella became my sister as she saw me back in the hospital when we were just little kids? And Janie the moment she saw me as we got here to voltera?" I ask softly. Honestly ecstatic to have Janie as my soul sister too! It explains why I right away felt such a deep connection towards her. And to think that she till now always felt alone makes me even more thankful that now I can show her how wonderful she is and how much I love her as my sister!
„That's correct my queen! It says that all Of your guys souls are bound together for life." Marcus says smiling softly as he watches me beaming at Janie and Bella. Absolutely loving to have two sisters now! When I look at Aro, Marcus and Caius though I frown slightly with the realization that I more or less kicked them out of their thrones. Of course it never was intention, but still, they were the rulers till now.
„Honey? Whats that frown for?" Demetri questions with caring eyes as he reaches out one hand towards my face to caress it lovingly. Being the cuddly girl that I am, I right away lean my head against his hand. Loving the contact. Somehow I now feel even better when I am close to my mates than I have been feeling before. Thinking about it, there is a lot that feels kind of different ever since I took place on that throne. shrugging at my own thoughts, this is something I need to think about later on, now there are other more important matters at my hands.
„I just feel sorry that I more or less kicked those three out of their thrones. That never was my intention, i swear!" I say lowly. Feeling bad for doing something like that. I mean they were the ones telling me about how I am the true ruler of their kind and even nearly begged me to take a seat on their thrones. Still, it feels strange. Even feels like I cheated them on their true position.
„Please don't think like that my queen." Aro says with a small chuckle mich to everyone's irritation.
„We did what was expected from us to do, neither of us truly enjoyed the task of being king though. It stoped us from going around the world or spend more quality time with our mates. We always had to be the judges to uphold the laws." he goes on in explanation. And to be honest, he just like the others look way more relaxed than they have been the whole time I knew them for. What he said though made my grinch slightly. Does that mean I am going to hold trial after trial now too? I just met my mates and my second sister! The last thing I want is to loose them again!
„Don't worry my love, since you are our true queen, there won't be any more trouble with anyone of our kind. You are born to bring us piece and love." Caius softly tells me and even pecks my lips lovingly. Of course that show of affection makes me blush right away, but I honestly don't care that much. It felt way too good to feel bad for it. After all he is my mate and as such we are meant to show affection to one another.
„So, that also means that you definitely are going to stay in Volterra now." Bella says with a sad smile. My face also falls slightly at that fact, knowing that I am going to miss dad very much. And don't even get me started on Bella!! She surely will go back to Forks, after all her mate lives there with his whole family.
„I know it sounds bad, but believe me there are way worse things than staying with us princess." Alec says softly, sound reassuring but also sad that it still saddens me. To be fully honest here though, I would of stayed here anyway. I simply can't leave my mates behind, so being the true queen isn't changing my plans of staying anyway.
„I know. Would of stayed alongside you anyway. Still I am going to miss dad and Bella like crazy." I tell them in explanation. Seeing their smiles makes me smile with them. Their happiness is simply infectious for me.
„As far as I have seen, Bella and our family is going to move to Italy too. It otherwise would hurt the three of you too much to be apart from one another. You guys need to understand that you need each other close by to feel whole." Alice explains and makes me rather happy with her statement. Genuinely relieved that my sister won't live that far away from me.
„What about dad?" bella asks thoughtfully. Alice however simply smiles brightly at us, obviously knowing an answer to that as well.
„Charlie is going to be thrilled that both of his daughters got accepted by one of the greatest art schools. Of course it is going to be hard on him, that you both move somewhere else, but he will be fine." Alice answers and dismisses all our worry's at once.
„We aren't accepted in any schools though." I say when the mistake of her thought process hit me. Her wide smirk makes me slightly uneasy though. Whenever she has been smirking she had something up her sleeve and it wasn't always something pleasing.
„You Did. I send them some of your art pieces and they right away send you a full on scholarship." she happily announces to my utter shock. How and when did she do that? And is she serious about them giving me a full scholarship? Those only are given to very few and extremely gifted people!!
„And as you know bella has been writing short stories as well as poems. So I send some of those to them as well. She sadly didn't get a scholarship but they gave her a spot to study as well." Alice goes on in her happy voice while my head is nearly exploding with all that information. I mean, this day has been a complete rollercoaster! You know what, forget this day! This whole week we have been staying here has been a rollercoaser! When I think about everything I can't say that I am mad about anything though. I found my mates that I completely fell in love with and they also tell me how they love me already. I found a second sister that I love dearly! And to put the cherry on top of all of that, I became a queen! Oh, and now I also got a scholarship on my absolute dream Uni! Yeah, a completely normal week, wouldn't you say that too!?
„Are you serious Alice? We both got accepted at the Uni?" Bella questions rather excitedly and gets a happy nod in reply right away.
„Guess we are both staying here than." my sister says still in slight denial but none the less ecstatic about everything.
„We should call dad. I don't want him to worry when he comes home and can't find us there." I softly say and hear Bellas quiet agreement to my proposal.

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