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Marie's pov:
„We now should talk about Alice vision earlier today." Jane states after we all had calmed down from our giggles and chuckles. Right away everyone seems to sit straighter and more serious again.
„When you were outside in the garden with Bella and Alec together we were talking with the rest of your mates and the kings. Seconds before we stormed out to you Alice had a vision that got us really worried for you." Edward starts with the explanation while eyeing me carefully how I may react to it. Till now though I don't understand why? He after all hasn't told me something that would worry me that much.
„What was the vision about?" bella asks sounding as confused as I am. The three vampires look at one another in uncertainty but after another sigh from me they nod at one another.
„I saw how a vampire ran towards you, tackled you to the floor and afterwards even slicing your stomach open. Everyone thought we would lose you. So as I got out of my vision I ran right towards you while the others followed right afterwards." Alice softly yet carefully explains. My eyes widen right away. Already pretty sure to know who would of been the one attacking me, especially since that monster is part of their coven.
„He would of attacked me again. Right?" I ask ins whisper like voice. Jane and bella right away scoot closer to me while also patting my leg and hand softly in hope of keeping me calm. Well, as calm as I can be with the knowledge that the monster who has destroyed my life a few years ago would of gone after me again, if they weren't able to interfere in the last second.
„It's fine cutie, you are perfectly safe now. That idiot got put into our dungeon right away. He won't ever be able to hurt you again." Jane softly explains while also promising me that I was safe. Bella also keeps on caressing my hand which like always helps me stay calm and collected.
„So you saw and came to my aid. But didn't you say you can't see my future?" I ask since that confuses me as well as helps me concentrate on something that doesn't involve me getting hurt again. At first they look surprised at my question but than they only shrug.
„It involved you sister as well. So since her future is no problem for me to see I luckily was able to see yours too." Alice answers sounding honestly relieved that she could stop the new attack on me.
„Is that where her mates are right now?" bella asks to which Jane nods right away.
„I am guessing you were informing them on Alice vision as you asked them to talk to them back by the kitchen?" my sister asks but honestly states with realization in every word. And now thinking about it, she is right! That's why they ran off and why Jane has been this on edge to make sure I was safe since she knew what nearly happened to me.
„That's true. They also instructed me to keep their mate safe. Wouldn't of needed them to I strict me to do so though. This little cutie is way too cute as to let anyone hurt her." Jane says and squeezes my hand once more with assurance. After that topic has been spoken about for a bit longer we hear a loud commotion that slowly but surely came closer towards us.
„Shh, you are fine. Why don't you and your sister look for a book to read later on along with the two Cullens and I look what the matter is out there?" Jane softly says but I right away shake my head vehemently. Not wanting her to get in danger simply because she wants to protect me.
„No! You stay too!" I say with a pout since they keep on discussing how she will go outside to see. They seem rather surprised that I won't allow her to go by herself.
„Marie, Jane can look out for herself. She won't get hurt." Edward explains but I still don't change my mind. I know that Jane can look out for herself, that much was clear to see back as those other vampires wanted to know what we do here on our way to the library. Still I don't like the fact that she would go on her own! That's not going to happen! Not if I can stop it!
„Can you please stay? Pretty please Janie?" I ask her with desperate eyes. Really afraid that she would leave no matter what I say. At first she looks she'll shocked before she carefully hugs me into her body.
„Of course I stay. We can look at the books together." she softly whispers in my ear. Her cold body is also calming my racing heart some more.
„If someone comes in here we can interfere all together." she tells the others before she starts to lead us deeper into the library. Seeing one of my very favorite books I squeal in excitement.
„Did you found one that you like already?" she asks me with curious eyes. Bella Who has followed my eyes smiles at me knowingly. Without a word she walks towards the book she knows I love dearly and Carey's it back towards me with an even wider smile.
„It's one of the first copy's of Romeo and Juliet." she says and hands it over carefully. With careful fingers I softly caress over the really old book band. Already loving the feel of the familiar weight in my arms as well as the smell of the old leather fabric.
„So you like the old classics?" Jane asks me interested just as the door gets thrown open with loud and furious growls.
The three vampires quickly pulled my sister and I against a wall before crouching in front of us. Ready to protect us with everything within them.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now