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Marie's pov:
When my sweet Kenji has calmed down again I ask him if he wants to go to the kitchen. Like always he happily nods his head quickly in excitement. After years of not getting food dayly he now enjoys every food that he is allowed to eat. So with a giddy toddler and four babbling babies in my arms I make my way towards the kitchen. To not much surprise Bella and Janie are already there preparing something to eat for my sweet kenji. The babies slowly started to munch some smashed bananas or avocados but other than that they drink their formula.
„Aunties!" Kenji exclaims in excitement already rushing towards my two lovely sisters. Janie right away scoops him up and cuddle him lovingly.
„Hello little one!" she says an d tickles his side to make him giggle again.
„Hey! Where is my hug?" bella asks him with a small pout, her smile thought still visible none the less. Kenji bless his heart quickly holds his hands out towards bella so she can easily take him out of Janie's arms. While those two are now cuddling Janie simply grabs the four babies out of my arms to kiss all their foreheads rapidly to make them squeal in joy again. So after everyone was able to hug everyone we take a seat in the barstools. That way we can easily see the play mat set up in the kitchen where the little ones are now playing. After quietly informing my sisters on the boy who has been in the same basement as our dear Kenji they were worried an furious that they have done this to even more children! Not long after I start to plate the delicious smelling spaghettis for my sweet boy.
„Kenji? Food is ready." i say and he right away comes running to sit down on a chair as well. Since he is way to small to get up there on his own thought, I softly pick him up and sit him down after serving the plate for him. A happy squeal comes out of his mouth when he sees his favorite noodles.
„Your Aunties made them for you." I explain and smile as he happily thanks them with his face full with sauce. I don't care thought. That's what water is there for and for the small time frame he now is using utensils he is doing very good. While he was sitting close by we all talked about our day till now and what we might be doing later on. We after all don't want him to hear that we are talking about that poor boy he thinks to be dead. When he finished his meal he thanked his aunties once more before excusing himself from us to instead go to his siblings to play with them. Before he can go though I quickly wipe his face clean with a wet cloth. When he was completely clean again I kiss his nose and help him down the chair. With a happy giggle he runs back to the little play area where my babies are already squealing that he came back to them.
„So what are we going to do about the other poor boy?" Jane asks me with a small scowl. She never likes to think of anyone hurt around her.
„I don't know." I say with a small shrug, of course not happy at all about the uncertainty of the poor boy is even still alive or not!
„Felix said he will go to see if he might find him." I add with an unsure expression. If they really killed him I will make sure the next time I visit them in the cellar to show them what will happen to murderers. Not that anyone of us has gone easy on those monsters! But if they seriously killed a child only so they can keep up with their child molesting I think I am going to kill them slowly before getting them back alive and do it again and again!!! Janie was just going to say something when there was a small knock on the kitchen door.
„You can enter." I say confused since normally no one knocks but instead simply enter.
„Hi?" a small voice says. His face blotchy from crying as well as dirty just like his clothes. He looks really afraid but determined to protect the even smaller boy behind him.
„Hey! My name is Marie and that here are my sisters, Jane and Bella. You don't need to be so afraid of us. We won't hurt you nor your little buddy there." I say and slowly walk towards him. They look still rather on edge but when they hear my children squealing in joy the seem irritated at the sound. So with a small giggle I wave them a bit closer so they can see my babies and my sweet Kenji.
„Those are my four babies and the older one is Kenji. I adopted him not too long ago." I tell them with an encouraging smile. Hoping that they will calm down a little when they see my little ones playing and happy. Felix is standing by the door, watching the two new children with sad eyes. Guess he did find them in a similar situation as our boy has been in. When my darling turns around and sees the older boy he looks shocked. His eyes right away tear up before he stands up to walk towards him. The older boy seems to be just as shocked to see my baby boy. So my guess is that this indeed was the boy who tried to be there for my little one even though he was in the same bad situation as he was in.
„You, you are alive!" My sweet boy mumbles out a second before hugging the older boy tightly. And that's when it must of click for the older boy too. He pulls his arms around Kenji as relieved tears run down his face. The little boy who has been hiding the whole time looks on confused.
„Hey There." i say to the youngest and kneel down next to him. Not wanting him to be afraid of me.
„Hi." he mumbles slightly moving closer towards the still hugging boys. So with that in mind I simply smile at him lovingly before looking at Kenji.
„Baby Boy? Can you introduce us to your friends?" I ask him gently and he right away nods happily while the older one still looks unsure if he can trust me or not.
„Thats my mommy, she saved me and healed me up after I got out of the basement." Kenji tells his friend with a wide smile still on his face.
„And that the older boy I have told you about. He has shown me how to do all those cool shadow figures." he tells me what I already was thinking.
„I am happy that Felix found you. He right away went to look for you after our baby boy told us about you." I say with an honest smile.
„and i am very happy that he has found you too." I add with a wink to the youngest who giggles slightly. For an unknown reason the older one quickly shields the smaller ones body while pressing his eyes close as if he waits for any pain. Softly I lay my hand on his cheek, at first he flinches a bit but as I start to simply caress his cheek he opens his eyes in wonder.
„There is no need for you to shield your little friend. No one will hurt either of you here. You are safe." i promise him. His eyes right away tear up before he throws his arms around my neck to hug me. And of course I hug him back right away.
„Thank you for always protecting the you get ones. You are a real hero!" i whisper softly in his ear and I can feel some tears falling on my neck. When he pulls away with a small blush on his cheeks I smile softly at him and the smaller one.
„Why don't we get you guys something to eat and afterwards showered and some new clothes?" I ask them and see both their eyes widen a bit.
„We are allowed to eat?" the oldest ask shocked.
„Of course you are! Mommy and my aunties are the best cooks and they make sure I eat at least three meals a day." Kenji replies before I even can open my mouth.
„He is right. It's important that you eat all your meals or otherwise you won't be able to grow or get sick. And that's something we don't want." I say and smile thankfully at my sister that are already plating two plates of soups along with some bread.
„My sisters have already prepared you guys a soup to sooth your stomach. Later on you can have something else." i say with a smile while they look completely irritated that we are so nice to them.
„Can I help you up on the stool or should your friend help you?" I ask the youngest who to my joy lifts his arms up a little. So with a wide smile I carefully pick him up and sit him on the stool. He cheers when he sees the already waiting food for him. The older one also takes a seat next to him but just like the younger one he doesn't start to eat either.
„You guys can eat. You really don't need to worry." bella says sounding sad that they where so frightened to not even start to eat without getting the allowance.
„I brought another two of those assholes with me as well. The others are already down there to show them their displeasure." Felix explains and kisses my lips softly.
„I made sure that there isn't anyone else in their circle. So no need to worry sweetheart." he softly says and kisses my lips once more.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now