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Marie's pov:
Life has been extremely good since my sweet little angels have been born. Word also got around rather quickly of the birth of my fist children. We have received tons of well wishes and even more clothes and toys for the little ones. My heart has went out to all of those sweet and thoughtful creatures. I always thought that vampires are monsters that only want to hurt humans. But ever since I got to Volterra I got reached a new lesson. They are all rather careful and try to stay hidden from humans to their best abilities. None like to be to interactive with them in fear of showing them what they truly are. Of course nearly all of them are still feeding from humans, they however don't hurt them and also mostly go after murderers or that like. For my point of few it's understandable, after all they need the blood to be able to stay alive. So as long as they do it quickly and not in a painful way I am fine with it.
Hearing a happy squeal followed by some giggles I look right towards where my little cherubs have been playing sweetly.
„How are my little angels doing?" I ask them and get some more squealing and giggles in reply. Smiling happily at my loves. Those four are just the most important beings in my life! Of course my mates and sisters are only close behind them, still my children are my top favorite and most important!
„Mommy loves you all so very much!" I tell them and kiss all of their cheeks. Their squealing gets louder right away. Feeling a hand wrapping around my waste makes me turn around instantly. Never liking to get touched if I don't know who is the one touching me.
„Shh, it's just me honey! You and our sweet babies are safe" Demetri softly whispers and sways us from side to side. Sighing in relief that it only is one of my incredible mates and not some intruder.
„You did an amazing job with our babies! We will never be able to show you how thankful we are that you gifted us with them and yourself." Demetri whispers and kisses my nose. Only a second later he kisses my cheeks and finally my lips. I have always loved how he is so playful on times. It's good to see him without any worry on his usual thoughtful face. But on times like this, he looks so much younger and more playful.
„What are you thinking so hard about honey?" he asks me with a chuckle that makes his chest vibrate much to my delight I might add!!
„Nothing really. Only how happy I am to have you all as well as my babies and sisters." I answer and get another peck on my lips.
„I am so grateful that Bella took me along with her to Volterra. Otherwise I wouldn't of met you an my other mates. And than I would of never have gotten our little angels." I say already feeling the tears welling up in my eyes. Knowing that if I wouldn't of come along I definitely would still be the completely frightened girl that hides in her room. Alone the thought makes me really sad.
„Hey! There is no need for tears honey!" Demetri says with a sad frown on his beautiful face.
„The important thing is that you came to Volterra to find us! We were really sad and lonely before you came into our life's. You are our everything. Just like those wonderful little cherubs that you giftet us with!" he says with encouragement and love filled eyes.
„And I do like to think that no matter what we would of met anyway. Maybe a bit later, but I am sure I And the others would of searched the world for you!" he adds with absolute certainty that they would of found me anyway. Smiling softly at him and his positivity. It's rare that he or my other mates are the positiv thinking ones. Hearing the giggles from my baby girl getting louder makes me turn around to see the most adorable view ever. My three little boys making funny faces at their hysterically giggling sister. Scooping all four of them up in one swift movement to cuddle them into my chest.
„You are the best!" i say and giggle when they squeal happily in my arms.
„What an amazing view princess!" Alec states from the doorway with Caius and Felix next to him. They all smile lovingly at my babies and I.
„I know. They are simply the best thing that ever happened to me!" I say and kiss all my babies foreheads which makes their squealing even louder.
„Well, added with our lovely mate it's even better my love!" Caius says and cheekily kisses my lips. Like always my other three mates follow with their kisses. Not as if I have anything against it!
„How was your day with our little ones sweetheart?" Felix asks me and takes my baby girl out of my hands. Alec also takes sweet baby Niko to cuddle him and showering him in kisses.
Luca and Dominic also get taken out of my arms and are now held by Caius and Demetri. All of them look at our little ones with so much love and adoration that I can't even be mad at them for taking them away from me. It still feels rather weird to not have them in me anymore. So it always soothes me to hold them close. I do however understand that my mates want to have their babies close to them too. When a low whine was heard from the garden I act on instinct. Without much thought i run to the balcony. Seeing a young looking boy whining and bleeding I right away jump down and run as quick as i possibly can towards the troubled looking child.
„Hello little one? Can I help you?" I ask the trembling boy. Lowering myself down so I now am sitting next to him in hope to look less threatening to him. After all I don't want him to be afraid of me at all!
„Please don't hurt me! I be good! Promise!" I babbles as tears stream down his blotchy and bloody face. Giving him a quick once over I right away realize that someone must of hurt him really badly. He looks very thin, way to thin as to be healthy. His clothes look dirty and are red from his blood. This poor little boy!
„Don't worry little one. I won't hurt you. I promise little one." I promise him softly. Seeing his troubled and confused blue eyes makes me only smile softly at him.
„Why don't you come with me so we can tend your wounds? They look rather nasty and I don't want them to infect themselves." I ask and explain the timid looking boy. After some minutes he nods his head slowly. I however wanted him to think about my question without any hurry from my side. Slowly I stand up and offer him my hand to help him stand up, which to my surprise he takes without hesitation.
„Sweetheart? Is everything alright here?" Felix asks me slightly alarmed. His eyes fixated on the little boy with untrusting eyes. When I hear the pained whine from next to me I softly lift the boy in my arms, careful to not hurt him any more than he already is.
„This little Cutie is hurt, so I offered him to look him over. Why don't you tell Carlisle that I am on my way to him?" I tell Felix who nods in agreement.
„Dont worry little one, you are going to feel much better in no time. Carlisle is an amazing doctor." Felix tells the boy softly before running of to get Carlisle ready for us.
„Felix is right little one, we will make sure you aren't hurting any more!" I softly say and see the boy relax into me even more.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now