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Marie's pov:
My mates happily show my sister and I towards a kitchen, and let me tell you I am stunned at how large and well stocked said kitchen is!!
„What would you like to eat love?" caius asks as he softly sits me down on a barstool. Thinking about it, i simply shrug, not caring that much what i eat.
„What about some sandwiches? It's only lunchtime anyway." bella softly questions me and takes a seat next to me. Smiling at her with a small giggle, she always knew what I like even if I don't know it just yet. So with a smile I cuddle myself into her the best as I possibly can while sitting.
„Sandwiches it is than. Any specific ones or should we make some different ones honey?" felix asks with a soft smile on his face. Instead of vocally answering him I only shrug and nuzzle my head happily into Bella's neck. Feeling safe as always when she holds me and I can hide myself under her chin.
„How about we surprise our princess." Alec says and winks towards me which of course makes me giggle yet again. When they all turn around to do whatever they are doing, Bella softly kisses my forehead.
„It's really good to see you this happy again. It has been way to long since I have heard you giggle." she softly whispers and I instinctively cuddle myself even tighter into her. My big sister that always was there for me and tried to fight my monsters off the best she possibly could.
„Sweetheart? We hope you like the sandwiches." Demetri says sounding rather worried that I won't like it. With a reassuring smile towards him, i take one of the many sandwiches in my hands and bite into it. My eyes widen at the foreign but incredibly taste.
„What's that? I never had something like this." I ask with wide and happy eyes. They however think that I don't like it since they start to panic and apologize which of course confuses me some more. So since they aren't answering I take the top off of it to investigate myself. Bella simply watches me with a soft smile.
„Those are strawberries and Nutella? But what is that paste?" I ask no one in particular. Still I do hope to get an answer.
„It's a jam I have been making. It's plums with cinnamon and some honey." Alec says sounding a bit embarrassed and even disappointed, why though, I don't know! It tastes absolutely delicious and I am pretty sure this is my new absolute favorite sandwich!!
„It's really yummy! Thank you for making something this delicious for me." I say and see his eyes brighten before he hugs me tightly and in excitement.
„You are very welcome Princess!!" he says beaming proudly at me.
„Do you want to taste Test the Rest as well love?" Caius asks me hopefully and of course I nod at that. I have always loved to try new things. So one after the other delivers me with a new sandwich and let me tell you, they all tasted amazingly! They definitely are all really good sandwich makers. Can't say cooks even though I am pretty sure that they indeed will be good cooks as well. When we hear a knock on the door the four of them quickly take a protective stand in front of bella and I. They even are growling threateningly but since I know that they simply try to protect us, I don't feel threats which is an extrem achievement for me.
„I am incredibly sorry to interrupt your time with your mate but there has been a situation I would like to inform you on." a feminin voice says. I am pretty sure it's the girl that tried to hurry us as we got here.
„Sister, what do you mean? What situation?" Alec questions sounding alarmed.
„Not here. I wouldn't want to worry your mate." the girl says and to my surprise all of my mates slowly leave the room. Of course only after they promised me that they only will be outside of the door and that I will be safe.
„You are fine Marie. They will be back in no time and you know that they would never allow anyone to hurt you. So there is no need for you to worry." Bella softly says. Knowing that she is right, I take a deep breath and turn back around to take another bite of Alec's sandwich. When the door opens again I am a bit irritated that the girl is the one entering with no sight of my mates. Where have they gone? Did I make them already run away?
„I am afraid your mates needed to deal with someone bad. They asked me to please keep you company and to look out for you. Alice and Edward are also already on their way to us. So there is no need to worry." the very young but also strong looking girl says. She even smiles softly towards me, obviously wanting me to not be frightened of her. Just then the door gets thrown open again and before anyone can say something Jane has taken a stand in front of me with a furious growl.
„It's just us Jane." Alice says and the grouching and growling girl right away straightens up again before nodding towards the new arrivers.
„Jane?" i ask wanting to thank her. I mean we don't know each other but still she went to protect me. Of course it wasn't necessary but the thought counts.
„Yes?" she asks me with uncertainty in his red eyes. Seh seems slightly afraid. Why? I wouldn't hurt her, nor could I with her being a vampire and I only a human.
„Thank you." I say and see how a soft smile spreads on her face.
You are more than welcome Marie." she says before she takes a seat on the barstool next to mine. It's weird how I don't feel threatened from her or even from my mates. Normally even one new person will send me in a near panic attack but since they have introduced themselves to me and explained how they are my mates and will always be there to protect me, I feel different. Like I can finally feel free again and not have to look over my shoulder every other second in fear someone would attack me.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now