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Marie's pov:
As we arrived in the kitchen there where some other vampires in it as well. Which irritates me. I thought since vampires don't eat they wouldn't be in a kitchen? Or am I wrong with that thought? They seem to ignore us completely and instead keep on sniffing the air with some approving humming in between.
„You better stop sniffing my mates scent right this instant!" Demetri growls towards them. All of their heads right away turn towards us. More specifically towards me. Jane Who has been holding my hand the whole time growls threateningly towards them, to which they thankfully avert their eyes from me. Relieved of that fact alone, I sigh deeply.
„You better leave now before we forget ourselves!" Caius growls and not a second later the kitchen was empty except of us again.
„Newborns." Alec mutters with a role of his eyes.
„Why don't I start now with your food?" Edward says after clapping his hands together once as to sooth the whole air around us.
„You still make the baguettes? Right?" I ask Alice since other than her brother she hasn't left her spot next to Bella. When she sees my pout though she only nods towards me before getting to work on her baking.
„Sweetheart? Would you like something to drink?" Demetri asks me with a soft smile on his face. Thinking about it, I do am thirsty I guess.
„That would be really nice if you." I answer while nodding my head in agreement as well. To my joy he also thought of bringing bella a glass of water as well.
„Thank you." I say with slightly pink cheeks before taking a few sips from my glass. His beaming face makes me feel all funny inside. How comes that such a small thing makes me feel like that and why does it make me so happy?
„You look confused Marie." Bella says thoughtfully but also worried that something might be wrong with me. So instead of voicing my irritation on how I react to my mates I decide to ask about dad and what we will tell him.
„i honestly don't know. It depends on what you are going to decide on doing." she answers me after studying me some more. His answer though confuse me a lot. What does she mean on what I am going to decide?
„I still don't understand." I mumble feeling ashamed for being so dumb of not getting what she is talking about.
„Your sister means that it depends on if you decide on staying here in Italy with your mates and I, or if you want to go back home to Forks with the others." Jane softly explains to which my mates whine lowly and painfully.
„I get to choose?" I ask hopeful since till now I thought that my future life got decided on for me.
„Of course you get to choose. We however really hope that you won't leave us. I am not sure if we would be able to overcome that my love." Caius sadly but also hopefully says. His eyes shine in desperation just like my other mates and even Jane. She however smiles at me, letting me know that she will accept whatever I may decide on.
„Dad won't allow me to move so far away. Especially not in the middle of the school year." I mumble slightly. Not knowing if I want to stay or go back home. The only thing I know is that I don't want my mates but neither do I want to leave my sister nor dad! They were always there for me!
„If you do decide on staying, we could say that you will change to a school here in Italy. I know dad won't be holding you back as long as he believes it's what you want as well as he thinks you don't just stop school." Bella thoughtfully says. She however makes sure to let me know that I still have the opportunity on staying or leaving. Biting on my lower lip again in concentration. How should I decide something like that? It's not like I was ever good with decisions and now I should decide on something this important?
„Hey, you have some time to think about it. Your dad is still gone till next week." Alice says and pats my hand softly. Nodding at that. She is after all right, dad won't be back home till Friday next week so no need for me to worry right now.
„Ok, Food is Ready!" Edward says already plating two pates with steaming and yummy spaghetti! Alice also quickly takes the baguettes our of the oven before handing us each a piece.
„Any cheese for on top of it?" Edward asks us with a chuckle since neither Bella nor I have started to eat till now.
„Parmesan please!" We say at the same time to which the whole room chuckles at.
„Here you go!" he says and puts the requested cheese in between us.
„Thank you, you two! It's really yummy!" I thank the both Cullens after taking a bite. Of course the spaghettis were delicious like always! Otherwise it wouldn't be one of my favorite dishes!
„So, since you guys are going to stay in Italy for some days. How about we show you your rooms after you finished your dinner?" alec asks us with a soft smile. Of course we all agreed on that since we liked to see the rooms we should sleep the next few days. At least bella and I would be sleeping while the vampires will do whatever they do during the nights.
„Can we go and pick up my book from earlier too? I forgot to take it with me with everything that happened in the library." I softly ask since I am used to reading before falling asleep.
„Of Course princess!" Alec says with encouraging eyes.
„We also wanted to apologize once more for scaring you back in the library." he adds and points towards the rest of my mates as well as himself. I nod my head in understanding. Guess they only were worried that someone stole me from them. At least that was what they have explained during the walk to the kitchen. So I don't think I should hold a grudge against them when they simply were worried for me.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now