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Marie's pov:
My two sisters and I have been brainstorming for tons of names and in the end we all agreed on the name Kenji. It means strong which this beautiful boy certainly is! So it fits him perfectly in my eyes.
„So, now that we decided on a name for the little one. Why don't you tell us something about Releyk? I am guessing you all new of him after seeing your guys reaction to his name." Bella asks Janie who only growls yet again at the mentioned name.
„He is an asshole, simple as that." she says with hatred.
„We knew that he has going on some really bad things, but till now we didn't knew just how criminal he truly is. If we would have, we definitely would of interfered long ago." she explains. Her eyes fixed on the still sleeping toddler in my eyes with guilt.
„If we would of dugged deeper than this poor soul wouldn't have to go through hell. At least not for that long as he is." she adds with self loath. Not liking to see her like this, I hug her gently, Bella quickly hugs her too. We both know for sure that she truly wouldn't of allowed anything like this to happen to anyone. And certainly not to children. She after all has a special place for the little ones in her heart.
„Have you tried to heal Kenji?" bella asks me with curious eyes after Janie has calmed down again. Not knowing what she means I only look questioning towards my sister.
„I mean you have done it with flowers and so on. Maybe you should try to do the same with him? It's worth a try don't you think?" she explains and questions once more. Janie quickly nods her head eagerly. Seemingly thinking I should try it too. I however am not too sure. What if I only worsen his pain?
„Cutie pie? I am sure it would help him. At least try it, the worst that can happen is that nothing changes." Janie wisely says. Thinking about it once more makes me sigh. They are right! Like the most of the times to be honest. Even if there is only a thin chance to lessen the pain for my little boy, than I sure as hell should try it! With a bit of luck he won't feel any pain any longer. Concentrating on my wish to heal this tiny and weak toddler the best I can and not even a second later I feel my hands getting warmer. Just like they do when I help some flowers out. After taking a deep breath, I lay my glowing hand on Kenji's stomach. I can see how the glow runs through his tiny body. Slowly, as if trying to make sure to not overlook any bruises nor cuts. The glow stays for a long time on his bottom, which only makes me really sad at the reminder what had been done to this sweet and innocent boy. When the glow slowly wander back towards his stomach, I can feel and see that it gets weaker before it vanishes all together. Hearing some murmurs coming from the doorway makes all of us turn towards it. With a Reliefen sigh i calm down again, after all it only are my mates that have come back from fetching that idiot who dared hurt our baby!
„Did it work honey?" Demetri asks hopefully as he steps towards me. Not sure if it did, I only shrug a little. Honestly too scared to look. I mean, what if it didn't work? Or even worse, what if it only gotten worser?
„How about i look?" he questions. Right away understanding that I can't look myself. Carefully he pulls up the slightly too big, but clean shirt, to reveal his stomach. Without any cuts and without any of his nasty bruises. Sighing in pure relief that it really worked!
„You did it princess!" Alec cheers quietly and pecks my lips a few times. Hearing the others whine, I simply giggle at their behavior.
„Did you guys get that waste of space? If not I can try my luck." Janie asks them with a sinister smirk. Obviously hoping to get her hands on said man.
„Don't worry. We brought him to the cellars downstairs. We had the feeling that my love and you two would like to show him your displeasure too." caius states with a wide smirk himself. Seemingly very pleased with the fact that they got him without any trouble.
„What about the others? I mean sweet Kenji was talking about a few people but only knowing that one name? Did the others get away?" bella wants to know with a displeased frown on her face. At hearing that I also frown, not liking for anyone of those monsters to have gotten away with what they have been doing!
„we get them all. Don't you worry, we made sure to get them all!" Felix promises and softly takes the sleeping cutie out of my hands.
„It's going to be hard. I mean, to tell him about what we are. What if he won't like to stay with us afterwards?" he asks with uncertain eyes. His big hands carefully caresses Kenji's cheeks lovingly.
„But we need to tell him. He needs to know. It after all will change his whole life." Caius says, even going as far as kissing his forehead. Seeing them all interact so sweetly and carefully with Kenji make my heart expand in proudness of my mates. They are incredible!
So while they are occupied with our now oldest, I go to look at our peacefully sleeping babies. They all have cuddled close together like they do all the times. At first we did try to give them each their own little crib, but we learned that that's not what they want. They have been crying and screaming unroll we placed them together. That's when they right away quieted down and instead cuddled with each other before falling asleep. I love watching them like this, they seem so at peace when they are so close to one another. Like they share a special bond with each other. On the other hand why not, I mean with them being quadruplets it's natural I guess.
When the heartbeat of our toddler quickens thought I rush towards him, afraid he might had hurt himself or has a nightmare.
„Please be there, please be there!" he mumbles under his breath as if wishing himself somewhere.
„Hey little one. You can open your eyes, you are safe." Felix says and softly sways his body a little. When the cutie opens his deep blue eyes he looks irritated but then he sighs out in relief. You can see how his whole body calms down again.
„While you were asleep we were thinking of a name for you." I tell him and softly push a hair strand out of his face and behind his ear.
„A real name?" he questions in astonishment. Guess he wasn't expecting anything like that. But how could anyone NOT give him a name!? He after all is so precious!
„What do you think of the name Kenji?" i ask him and see his eyes widen even more.
„It means the strong one. We thought it fits you really well. What do you think?" I add and see him tear up. Thinking he might hate the name I carefully take him out of Felix arms and instead pull him close into my chest.
„If you don't like it that's ok little one! You can choose one yourself if you want to?" I explain and ask, hoping he will stop to cry since it hurts me to see him like that.
„No. love the name." he whimpers.
„Thank you so much for giving me a real name!" he chokes out in between cry's. Happy that he is indeed happy with the name we picked for him.
„You are such a cute little thing!" Felix tells him with shining eyes. Seems like our cute Kenji fits into our family just perfectly!

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