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Marie's pov:
With one more encouraging smile towards me Alice throws open an extremely heavy looking door.
„We Wouldn't want to make a scene when there is a festival going on." Alice says loudly and throws the door close behind us.
„We don't. That's why we got here to escort you guys towards our masters." a very huge and mean looking guy says.
„Bella, why don't you and your sister go and enjoy the festival while we go with them." Edward says and softly pushes my sister towards me and therefore towards the door.
„They are coming along with us too." the other one says just as sternly. My breath slowly starts to quicken yet again, no idea for the how many times today. Bella the ever protective sister that she is, she right away hugs me tightly.
„Deep breaths." she mumbles into my ear while the other four seem to keep on arguing.
„What is the matter with her?" the huge one suddenly wants to know from my sister. Seeing him so close only makes me panic even more. My legs give in and I instinctively curl myself in a tiny ball to shield my body the best I can from any attack.
„Hey. Honey, it's ok. You are fine. Nothing will happen to you." the second unknown voice softly says. His voice sounding like honey but his size is still frightening to me.
„Marie. It's ok. I am here. You are not alone. Nothing will hurt you!" Bella's familiar voice soothingly tells me. A cold hand starts to caress my back which calms me but also confuses me. Normally I don't like touches, why does this hand feel so nice?
„aro send me to see what's taking you so long." yet another voice booms through the hall.
„Give us a moment Jane!" the second male voice instructs.
„Honey, I am going to pick you up Alright? There is no need to worry, I will keep you safe." he softly tells me seconds before I feel two strong arms lifting me up. My body gets pulled in a very hard chest while the same person keeps on whispering sweet nothings to me.
„Demetri, i think it might be better if Alice or I carry her." Edward says from my left. My eyes pry open as I try to understand what's going on and where I am, better yet in who's arms I am.
„No!" two loud mean voices growl. A whimper leaves my lips, the panic once again starts to squeeze my airways. A low purr however makes me sigh and cuddle closer into the still unknown chest. The purr lets the chest vibrate and I can feel how my whole body relaxes without any problem. I don't even know when the last time has been as I felt like this.
„Marie?" bella softly asks and I right away look at my sister which looks rather pale towards me. Why though? I feel fine.
„Why don't you come to me Marie?" she asks me with slightly fearful eyes but still determined. My head right away nods, always ready to be by my sisters side no matter what.
The grip on my body thought stops me from going towards her.
„Shh, it's ok sweetheart. Demetri carry's you. We have to go through a lot of dark and slippery alleys, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. Alright?" the huge one says. He now looks nothing like before. His burgundy red eyes bore into mine with such love and care that I nearly forget to breath.
„But bella?" I ask softly. Of course afraid that he transforms right back into the mean and terrifying guy he was before, but he only smiles softly at me.
„I am sure Edward is going to carry her. Isn't that right?" he softly says before redirecting the question towards my sisters ex boyfriend with a sneer.
„Of Course." I hear him reply and that's when we start to walk further into the tower. When i see the narrow corridor my breathing hitches yet again. Never liking the dark nor the fact to be in a narrow position.
„Shh, it's fine. Nothing will happen to you. Why don't you close your eyes? Felix and i will keep you safe." the one carrying me softly says after stopping right before entering the corridor.
„Here, I will hold your hand." bella softly says after eying the guy with an unsure expression. At first he seems rather pissed at her statement but than he simply nods for her to come closer. Her warm hand softly tangles together with mine and with a relieved sigh I close my eyes and lay my head on the guys chest. Bella never stops to caress my hand with her thumb while she whispers to me how well I was doing and how brave I am. I don't even know why I feel this safe with her hand in mine as well in the arms of a complete stranger, but I do.
„You can open your eyes again sweetheart. We are now in a way more comfortable environment." the extremely huge one, I guess his name was Felix, says with a soft smile playing on his lips. When I look around I see that we are now standing in a waiting room, an elevator door already opening for us. Still I keep on holding Bella's hand for dear life, I after all don't know what the hell is going on here.
„Can you please let me down now?" I ask quietly still afraid from the reaction my question might get. What I wasn't expecting at all though was for the one holding me to whine lowly. His sad eyes boring in mine.
„Why?" he asks sounding so hurt that it nearly crushes my heart.
„Please." i whisper softly after laying the hand that isn't holding onto Bella on his cheek. He softly nuzzles into my hand before he carefully sets me back on my own two feet. Quickly I cuddle myself into my sisters body to breath in her calming and familiar smell. The loud ding from the elevator let's me jump slightly before we follow after the other guys and the girl from earlier.
„The Masters are already waiting for you." a secretary says with a slight bow towards them, strange!
„Sister! They send you for two and you come back with two and two half's." a young looking boy announces as he sees us all enter. He suddenly stops in his tracks before his eyes narrow in on me. Edward and Alice quickly step in front of my sister and I as if they try to shield us from everything around us.
„Move!" a threatening voice growls out and only a second later the two Cullens lay unconscious at our feet. The boy marches towards us with a glare still on his face.
„Alec, that's enough!" a stern voice booms throughout the room. My whole body already shaking again in fear and uncertainty.
„It's fine Marie. Deep breaths. You are going to be fine, I promise nothing will happen to you. Not if I can stop it." she softly whispers in my ear.
„But that's my mate!" the boys voice nearly echos. A low murmur follows his statement and only a few seconds later the Cullens are back on their feet.
„As i have seen Young bella is still alive. I love happy endings, they after all are very rare." a very happy and cheerful voice says as well as someone clapping in excitement at that.

A scared girl mated to 4 terrifying vampires Where stories live. Discover now