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JUNE 2018

It's convenient that Warped Tour is beginning in California. It means that Elle's meetings can be booked in just before they head out for two months.

Her flight to California is in a few hours, and she's making sure that she spends her remaining time in Houston with Awsten.

She can't shake how nervous she is, and he picks up on it, obviously. He watches Elle twisting her rings around her fingers almost constantly, occasionally taking her hands in his, and drawing circles on her skin with his thumb; he finds it relaxes her, and he wants to do whatever he can to make her feel at ease.

Elle never thought she'd be preparing for a meeting with a record label, let alone two, after only releasing one EP.

It still hasn't fully sunk in for her, but she's pushing through the anxiety she's feeling.

"Hey," Awsten's voice brings Elle out of her thoughts, as they eat breakfast. "You haven't eaten anything," he says softly.

"I can't," she shakes her head stiffly. "I will after the flight, at some point," Elle assures him, noticing his concerned frown, "promise, I will. I'm just too nervous."

"At least have some water," Awsten nudges her glass towards her, and letting his hand fall to rest on her knee, under the table.

It's a discreet gesture, and Elle is thankful for it, as she takes a sip of her water, before resting her head on Awsten's shoulder.

Time seems to pass painfully slowly back at Elle's apartment; she's watching the time tick by, and on one hand she's grateful, since she gets to remain in the comfort of Awsten's presence for a little longer - but on the other hand, it's dragging on the pit of anxiety that she feels in her stomach.

Eventually, time creeps on, and her Uber is due in less than an hour.

Elle wanders into the bathroom and just stares in the mirror for a long moment; Awsten comes in after a while, too, and hugs her waist from behind, looking up at their reflection as his chin rests on her shoulder.

"Breathe, Nora," he reminds her, and she lets out a long breath that she didn't know she was holding in. "You've got this, okay?"

Elle does as he says, and takes another deep breath, just looking at him as he holds her.

"What can I do?" Awsten asks.

"Hm?" She hums, raising an eyebrow.

"What can I do to help?"

Elle turns around in Awsten's arms, so that his arms wrap around her waist.

"How long until my Uber, again?" She whispers, and Awsten gulps, as she inches closer to him.

"I, uh," he attempts to push his words out, "Just under a, um, an hour."

"Okay," Elle nods, and Awsten doesn't understand how she's remaining so calm with the limited distance between them. "Good."

She leans in, and for Awsten, it feels like forever until her lips reach his; she kisses him slowly, but with enough force to surprise him.

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