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"What has you smiling like that?" Elle looks at Taylor, with a cautious expression.

"Ethan," she smiles even wider.

"New Zealand guy?" Elle raises an eyebrow.

"Mhm, yep," Taylor confirms.


"Well, I'm glad you asked!" She cuts her off, before she can finish asking her question. "I'm going to LA for the weekend, he's invited me out there because he wants to see me again, I'll be back on Tuesday," Taylor explains, all in one breath.

"Oh," Elle nods slowly. "That's very spontaneous of you."

"You'll be fine, right? You're going out with Awsten and everyone tomorrow night, then he can stay over on the weekend, and, you know-" Taylor winks, earning an eye roll. "What? Don't act like that."

"Act like what?"

"Act like you don't do it whenever I'm out at work, anyway."

"Okay, shut up," Elle sighs, suppressing a slight smile.

The other night with her and Awsten hadn't ended up being a one-time occurrence; neither of them were mad about it, but it's earned them both relentless teasing from their respective best friends.

"He's leaving on Sunday, though," she reminds Taylor, slight sadness seeping into her tone.

"Oh, yeah," she frowns, remembering, "tour."

"I'll help you pack," Elle works up a smile, changing the subject.

"No, no," Taylor stops her. "We're not packing yet. You have a show to prepare for."

Without another beat, there's then a knock at the door; the two of them share a look, before heading out to the hall.

"Probably Awsten," Taylor comments, with a smirk, and Elle rolls her eyes. "Of course it is," she adds, once she opens the door.

"Hi?" He looks between them with a questioning tone.

"Don't worry," Elle shakes her head, stepping aside to let him in. "What're you doing here? I thought you were working."

"I was, but it's your first show tonight!" He grins at her. "I wanted to come see how you are, help you practice," Awsten wanders to the kitchen, "I don't know, give my expert advice."

"Okay, well, first piece of advice I need it how to not freak the fuck out, maybe?" Elle raises an eyebrow, leaning against the counter.

"Nora, you don't need to freak out," he places his hands on her shoulders. "You're so talented, and you're gonna to amazing, okay?"

"You might just have to tell me that a few more times," a smirk tugs at the corner of her lips, and Awsten laughs.

"Your ego is growing," he comments, with a lighthearted eye roll.

"And you're clearly rubbing off on me," Elle retorts.

"Hmm, you can say that again," Taylor speaks up, picking up on a double meaning, clearly not as quietly as she had thought.

"Tay!" Elle shouts, as she covers her mouth, laughing at the way Awsten is blushing.

"Sorry, it just slipped out," Taylor continues to laugh.

Elle flips her off, leading Awsten to her bedroom, "I can't believe she just said that."

"I can," he laughs, as she covers her face with her hands.

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