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MAY 2018

By the second night, Awsten has quickly decided that he likes the feeling of Elle pressed up against him as they sleep - the way she nuzzles her head in the back of his neck, and curls against his back; it almost doesn't feel real.

But, the reality that he should probably get up soon sets in, and it's even harder to get out of bed when he's sharing with her.

Elle begins to stir with Awsten's movement, and she offers him a small smile as she watches him get out of bed.

"G'morning," she mumbles, beginning to stretch her arms out, as she rolls onto her front.

"Good morning," Awsten laughs softly at her.

He begins to get ready, a few steps ahead of Elle by the time she gets out of bed and joins him in the bathroom.

"What're you doing today?" She asks, rubbing her eyes lightly.

"Meeting with management,"Awsten answers, muffled as he finishes brushing his teeth. "What about you?"

"I might take Tay down to the studio with me," Elle replies, leaning against the wall as her gaze remains on him. "Write some song, sing some things," she shrugs, repeating Awsten's words from yesterday, causing him to smile.

"My meeting shouldn't last too long, so I'll meet you there after?" He suggests, making his way out of the bathroom, as Elle follows suit.

"Mhm," she hums in response. "We'll all go for dinner later, maybe?" Elle proposes the idea, and Awsten nods.

"Yeah, sounds good," he smiles, before placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'll see you later."

She simply waves as he leaves; sometimes she doesn't trust words to come out, in case she accidentally says something she shouldn't.

Elle texts Courtney, after Awsten had sent her his number, ahead of arriving at the studio; it feels weird being there without him, but maybe it'll change the way she works.

"Are you two tag-teaming, or something?" Courtney chuckles. "I had Awsten here yesterday, and just you today."

"Oh, yeah," Elle laughs, "he's got a meeting, he might be here later. But, you might have us both at some point tomorrow," she explains. "And this is my friend, Taylor, by the way," Elle introduces her, and they exchange a handshake.

"He's told me all about what you wanna do," Courtney starts, "and I just want to know how I can help."

"I have some ideas," she nods. "It's more about bringing it to life now, I think."

Elle explains the vision she has for her first EP; she wants it to flow from song to song, and she wants it to tell a story - each song individually, as well at the EP as a collective.

"Hang on, sorry," Taylor speaks up, after silently watching them compile a track list of songs that she'd recorded last time. "I know this is your thing, and everything, but I have one thought."

"Okay, go on," Elle laughs slightly.

"What was that song you wrote, like, so long ago?" She pauses for a moment, trying to think. "It was about that guy, he was a few years older, one of the first proper songs you ever wrote."

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