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Just as they'd hoped, and as anyone would have predicted, Awsten and Elle's date goes amazingly well. Though, it's not really a surprise, despite their initial nerves.

Elle's cheeks hurt from smiling so much, while Awsten holds her hand across the table for the whole of the date.

"So, what now?" Awsten asks, as they exit the restaurant.

"Nothing food related," Elle groans, leaning her head against his arm, as he slots their fingers together. "And maybe no physical activity. I ate way too much."

"Damn, I was thinking of going on a run," Awsten comments, causing Elle to nudge his ribs. "I told you we shouldn't have got dessert," he reminds her, earning a shocked expression.

"No dessert? You really are crazy," Elle shakes her head, as he laughs. "We could just take a walk."

"We're about half an hour from Santa Monica beach," Awsten suggests, watching her face light up.

Due to light traffic, which is unusual for LA, they get there in just under half an hour; it's dark, meaning the only sources of light are the moon, and the headlights on Awsten's car, which are soon shut off.

"I feel like we should take our shoes off this time," Elle proposes.

"Good idea. I can't deal with sand in all my shit again," he agrees, easily.

Awsten takes her hand, once again, as they walk along the beach.

"We haven't done this in so long," Elle muses.

"I think the last time was when we did was..." he trails off, thinking back. "Oh, when we came to visit from Houston, when you were recording."

"That feels like years ago," she sighs, and Awsten's squeezes her hand gently.

"Hey, what's the date tomorrow?" He speaks up, after a moment.

With her free hand, Elle pulls out her phone. "It's the twenty third tomorrow," she answers, holding the screen between them. "Why?"

"I feel like you're forgetting something that's happening tomorrow," Awsten laughs, lightly, and Elle's eyebrows dip together in thought. "It maybe has something to do with a band you've been working with...And an album that drops tomorrow—"

"Oh, shit! I completely forgot," her eyes widen in realisation.

"It's good to know that I clearly occupy all of your thoughts," Awsten smirks, tugging on her other hand, so that she's now facing him.

"I guess it's something like that," Elle hums, smiling up at him, but it falters after a moment.

"What? What's wrong?" He frowns, still holding both of her hands securely, as they stand in the middle of the beach.

"Nothing, nothing—" She starts, to which Awsten raises his eyebrows. "I just— I don't want to dampen the mood, or anything, and I'm glad that we're finally getting to do this, and be—" Elle pauses, realising she's rambling. "The timing still kind of sucks."

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