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MARCH 2019

The next morning rolls around, and to no one's surprise, Awsten is awake first.

He scrolls through Twitter for a while, before he starts to feel restless; so, he decides on getting up to get ready, and ends up texting Elle, to see if she's awake, too.


Are you awake yet?

i am indeed

what's up?

No one else is up yet, so
I was wondering if you
wanted to go get a coffee
with me?

absolutely yes

Meet me downstairs in
like, 20 minutes?

make it 15 and you
have yourself a deal

15 it is then


Fifteen minutes breezes by, and Awsten is waiting for Elle downstairs, at the hotel's reception.

"Morning," she smiles brightly, despite obviously still being a little tired, as she catches Awsten's attention.

"Hey, sleep okay?" He asks, as the two of them head out of the building.

"Not really," she shrugs. "I don't sleep the best in hotels."

"Much better than sleeping in a bunk, though," he assures her, and she lets out a small laugh.

"I might have to try it sometime," she shrugs, and Awsten's heart flutters at the thought of taking her on tour.

Too soon, though, right? He thinks, making a mental note to keep the thought to himself.

They find a small cafe, barely five minutes away from the hotel, that seems fairly quiet, which isn't surprising for this time of the morning.

Elle tries to argue paying for her own drink once again, but Awsten refuses; in the back of his mind, he knows she's already paying for her own hotel room, which he'd tried to shout at Geoff for, but she wouldn't let him take the blame.

Awsten had fun yesterday, with everyone together, but he really likes this, too; just sitting with Elle, alone, talking about anything they can think of.

He insists on Elle sticking close by during soundcheck, which makes it a lot more entertaining.

Elle sings loudly to each song that they practice, earning some disapproving looks from Taylor as she watches. She manages to keep the band's energy up, despite how jet lagged the three of them are still feeling.

Awsten lets out a sigh as they finish practicing, looking towards Elle, who is already making her way over to him. He takes a seat on the floor, crossings his legs over and settling his guitar in his lap.

Elle makes a face, tilting her head as Awsten reaches for her hand, pulling her downwards to sit with him.

"Play me something," she runs her fingers along his guitar strings.

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