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APRIL 2018

"So, have you told her yet?" Jawn asks Awsten, as he gets ready.

"Yes, Jawn, I have told her all about the surprise," he deadpans, "because that totally wouldn't contradict the whole idea of it being a surprise," Awsten looks at him with an obvious expression, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Well, how are you planning on getting her there? If she doesn't actually know that anything is happening," Jawn retorts. "Are we just gonna show up to her apartment and pick her up?"

"Taylor is in on it," Awsten replies simply, buttoning the last of his shirt.

"And how have you managed to keep her from buying tickets herself?" Jawn continues to question.

"Like I said, Taylor is in on it," Awsten reiterates, "she's been helping me out with that side of things," he explains. "Are you done now?"

"Yeah, I'm just curious," Jawn shrugs. "You've kept it all very secret."

"That's the point, man," Awsten laughs, bringing an end to the topic.

They prepare to head to the studio for a small photoshoot, meanwhile Elle is singing in her bedroom, so loudly that it fills the whole apartment, and Taylor listens intently from the kitchen.

Eventually, she gets up from her seat and wanders down the hall, knocking softly on Elle's door.

"Yeah?" She calls in return, as Taylor pushes the door open.

"I like that," she nods, referring to what Elle was just singing. "Sounds sad, though."

"Yeah, it is, a little," she shrugs. "I've written sadder," Elle comments, lightheartedly, though.

"Is it about Alex?" Taylor asks, hesitantly.

"Yeah," replying quietly, Elle nods. "But, this one is more bitter, I think."

"It sounds good," Taylor smiles softly.

Elle pauses, as if a thought seems to hit her. "Actually, can you hand me my guitar?" She gestures towards the acoustic, propped against her wall. "I don't want these chords on piano."

She begins to pluck at the strings, and Taylor makes herself comfortable on the edge of the bed.

"Pictures of the old us got me feelin' older, I just thought you should know, I never wanted closure," Elle sings quietly, working out the chords to fit with the melody. "But you had no problem leavin', now I'm the one to feel it."

She starts to hum, and Taylor watches in slight bewilderment, noticing how she's now strumming her guitar differently.

Elle stops after a moment, writing up some notes in her journal, and resting her chin against her guitar.

Taylor opens her mouth to say something, but is cut off by her phone buzzing with a text in her pocket; she holds a finger up to Elle, as her eyebrows dip together, reading the contact on her screen to be Awsten.


Awsten Knight
Hey! Jawn and I are headed to
the studio, could you bring
Elle to meet us here later?
We'll bring her to the show
from there I think

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