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MARCH 2018

The last show in the UK leg of the tour has come around far too quickly for Elle; she's managed to make it to three more shows since surprising Awsten in Leeds, and she's had way too much fun following her favourite band around the country.

All of the shows have been amazing and Awsten never fails to amaze Elle each night.

Slipping away during Lucky People did become a nightly occurrence for her, but no one has brought it up, so she doesn't plan on being the one to start a conversation on the topic.

Tonight is the last show on the UK leg of the tour, in Brighton; Elle is just as excited as every other night, despite knowing that this is the last show of the tour that she'll be able to attend.

The show is full of energy, as it usually is, but even more so tonight; Waterparks crash Patent Pending's opening set, making everything a little more chaotic from the start, but all the more enjoyable.

For most of the shows, Elle has been in the crowd somewhere, but tonight, she has decided to watch from the side of the stage; despite most sound being drowned out by Otto's drums, it's a view that she's never experienced a show from before, so she thought she'd try it.

The band comes bouncing off stage, and Elle finds that Awsten's smile is always so contagious.

Though, he doesn't quite make it fully off stage; he runs back to grab something, causing a few screams to erupt from the crowd, before rejoining the rest of the group on their walk to the green room.

Elle shoots him a confused look once he catches up, and Awsten just offers her a smug grin, with one hand behind his back.

"What?" She stops in her tracks, narrowing her eyes at him. "What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything," Awsten defends with a chuckle, pausing for a moment after. "I got you something, though."

He pulls his hand from behind his back, holding out a rose that was thrown on stage during the show.

"For me?" Elle asks, attempting to refrain from sounding too soft.

"Yeah, of course, for you," Awsten replies, as if it's obvious, and Elle feels like she could melt on the spot.

"You're gonna make me cry," she pouts, gently taking the flower from his hand.

"Don't cry," Awsten laughs at her expression. "I probably stomped on it a few times while we were playing, sorry."

"Doesn't matter," Elle stares at the rose, fiddling with its stem as Awsten vies for her eye contact.

"Holy shit, you're actually gonna cry," his eyes widen as he pulls Elle into a hug quickly. "Don't do that, why are you crying?"

"I don't know," she laughs through a small sob, only causing him to hold her tighter. "Could be because this is my last show, or that no ones ever actually given me flowers- or a flower before."

"No one's ever got you flowers?" Awsten pulls away for a moment with his eyebrows dipped together, his arms still gripping Elle's shoulders; she shakes her head in response. "What the fuck? Oh my god, I thought it'd be funny - also really cute, but - that is nothing," he points to the flower and she pull it away from him quickly.

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