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"Maybe we should get rid of those flowers," Otto leans over to Geoff, whispering, as they watch Awsten pick at the dying petals, crunching them between his fingertips.

"Yeah, they could be making him feel worse," Geoff responds, trying to be equally as quiet.

"I'm fine," Awsten speaks up, clearly able to hear them, earning two very disbelieving looks. "Seriously, I'm okay," he continues, now using a better choice of word, which seems to relax their faces.

"You just seem a little zoned out there, man, that's all," Geoff shrugs.

"Yeah," Awsten sighs. "I don't know. I just miss her," he pouts slightly. "I don't have much with
me that reminds me of her, you know?"

"I thought you had one of her shirts," Jawn pipes up, his attention mostly on his computer.

"I do, but it's a real' old one," Awsten answers. "So, it doesn't smell like her, or anything."

"Hey, didn't you say she kept a picture of y'all in her bunk?" Otto asks, causing his face to light up.

"Oh, yeah!" Awsten replies, his expression now a little brighter. "I'll have to print some off somewhere," he murmurs, turning back to the wilting flowers next to him.

"Maybe fake flowers would be a better idea," Geoff suggests, gently.

"Maybe," Awsten hums. "They're fake, though."

"Wow, calm down, Captain Obvious," Jawn jokes, earning a glare.

"No, but, like," Awsten pauses, letting out a short sigh. "They're nicer when they're real. You know, all in bloom, and stuff," he begins smiling, subtly - or at least he thinks he's being subtle.

"Did you just reference your own song?" Jawn scoffs, lightheartedly.

Awsten suddenly feels a little embarrassed, avoiding each of their gazes.

"Oh, he totally did," Otto nods, beginning to laugh.

"Shut up," Awsten frowns.

"Okay, but, Awsten," Jawn leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees, as he places his laptop beside him. "Would you say that you have bloomed again?"

"Fuck all of y'all," Awsten rolls his eyes, standing up from the sofa opposite them, and heading down the bus, the sound of his friends' teasing laughter fading into background noise.

He opens the curtain to his bunk, flipping over his phone to check his notifications.

The first thing to catch his eye is a couple of texts from Elle; when he opens them, he finds a couple of Dropbox files, accompanied by a few messages.

hi angel, i've got some songs!

about you, obviously...

also a little old now, but i like 'em

i'm re-recording absolutely
everything. zakk probably thinks
i'm the biggest pain in the ass but
i'm hoping it'll be worth it

ANYWAY ! here you go💖 i hope
you're having a good day

[friends don't - elle wright]

[bedroom ceiling - elle wright]

[OTACSIYT - elle wright]

Holy shit I'm gonna listen to
these asap

BLOOM • awsten knightWhere stories live. Discover now