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MAY 2019

"Are you seriously getting merch right now?" Awsten giggles, standing beside Elle.

"Of course I am," she responds, proudly. "I get merch at like, every show I go to," she informs him, folding the tshirt she'd bought, to put it in her bag.

"That's cute," Awsten murmurs, just loud enough for Elle to hear, and she blushes. "Did you always get merch at my shows?"

"Mostly, yeah. Except for like, one, I think," Elle nods. "I was a little more broke then, so it was harder."

"I can literally get you any Waterparks merch you want, for free," he rolls his eyes.

"Well, sometimes I want to get it myself," she feigns a frown.

"What was the one show, though?" Awsten raises an eyebrow, as they wander through the small venue.

"Oh, uh," Elle can't seem to get her words out right, as they look up, spotting Zakk and his girlfriend, Lucy, waiting for them. "I'll talk to you about it another time," she offers him a small smile, which earns a look mixed with confusion and light concern.

Elle takes Awsten's hand gently, which seems to relieve most of the tension in his face; he squeezes her fingers softly for a moment, before she drops his hand, and they make their way towards their friends.

"Wow, I haven't been to someone else's show in like, months," Elle comments, just before the first act is due to come on.

"Who was the last show you went to?" Zakk asks.

"Uh, I think it was The Band Camino," she answers. "Yeah, it must've been. I got Jeremy to put Jawn and Daphne on the guest list for a show, too. They loved it."

Awsten purses his lips together as he listens to her; he still hasn't managed to shake the slight lang of jealousy he feels when the topic of Elle and Jeremy. He knows it's just online rumours, and he tries to remind himself of that, but sometimes he can't help it.

His thoughts seem to disperse, though, when the first act comes on.

All Time Low are on the line up tonight, and when they come on stage, Elle's excitement seems to peak.

She's never seen them live before, and has always been a huge fan of them.

She shouts the lyrics with the rest of the crowd, loudly, and Awsten finds it overly amusing. He pulls his phone out and begins to film her; she's jumping up and down to Dear Maria, Count Me In, singing along and pointing up at the stage.

Elle turns around to see Awsten's phone aimed at her, and starts laughing. He expects her to push his phone away, embarrassed, but she doesn't; she keeps singing loudly, but now it's directed at Awsten, until he starts doing the same.

When 5 Seconds of Summer enter on stage, Elle is just as excited.

"Are you gonna stay with me for their whole set this time?" She leans up to Awsten's ear, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I think so," he nods, with a slight smirk, trying not to be too distracted by the way her lips brushed against his skin, and her hot breath on his cheek.

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