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Once Elle finishes her shift, she's back at her apartment by late afternoon; she finds herself mindlessly pottering around, wondering if she should text Awsten to see if he's busy.

Taylor quickly picks up on how distracted she is, even though she's only half paying attention while doing some work, continuing to tease her mercilessly for it.

"Hey, actually," Elle speaks up after a moment, how tone shifting.

"Uh, oh," Taylor raises her eyebrows.

"You know we're going back home for your birthday in a couple weeks?" She asks, and Taylor nods along. "Well, if we move it around by just a couple of days, it'll be around the same time that Waterparks happen to be on their UK tour leg."

"Oh, okay, I see what you're getting at," Taylor sighs, dramatically, exaggerating a pause, as Elle awaits her answer. "Fine, yeah, whatever."

"Yes! Thank you, thank you," Elle hugs her tightly, planting kisses on her head.

"Yes, I know, I'm the best, whatever," Taylor waves her off, returning her focus back to her laptop screen, as Elle returns to her spot opposite her. "Are you gonna go see him now?"

"Huh?" Elle turns to face her again.

"You're practically dying to see him, Elle," she raises her eyebrows. "Even though, you've already seen him today, and every other day."

"Yeah, well," she shrugs, "he's nice."

As if he knows she's thinking about him, Elle's phone lights up with a text from Awsten, and she can't help the smile that creeps onto her face, just from seeing his name on the screen.


Hey! I've been like super
engrossed in work today,
I'm sorry I haven't called
or anything

it's okay! i know you're busy,
you don't have to apologise

Can you come by??

are you sure?

Yeah, if that's okay

Otto is still hanging around
for a little while, but I really
want to see you

Please pretend that didn't
sound as desperate as it did

it's more than okay with
me, if it's okay with you?

and otto?

i wouldn't want to intrude
on your house and stuff

especially if you're still

It's all good, trust me

I want you here

No one else is home,
if that's what you're
worried about?


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