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(cw - same as last time! just a little steamy, but nothing explicit)

JULY 2018

"Who's fucking idea was this-" Awsten cuts himself off with a cough, "-this dumb shit."

He frowns, sitting himself on the couch, next to Elle.

"Still not feeling great?" She raises an eyebrow, as he nuzzles closer to her.

"You tell me," he starts, clearing his through, before trying to sing a bar from Blonde, and Elle winces. "Yeah, exactly."

"Awh, angel," she pouts, her voice filled with sympathy as he cuddles up to her. "If it makes you feel any better," Elle runs a hand through his hair, gaining his attention again, "you look cute today."

Awsten smiles softly, placing a subtle kiss on her cheek, while her face flushes pink.

There's less than a week left of the tour now; this is their nineteenth day in a row with no days off, and Awsten's voice is feeling the affects of that.

"Where are we again?" Elle asks, looking up at Geoff, who's sitting opposite her.

"Wantagh?" he answers, hesitantly. "Wait, no," Geoff shakes his head, pausing to think.

"That's a place?" She questions in return, earning a quiet laugh from Awsten, muffled against her shoulder, as he lays there with his eyes closed. "Hey, no laughing," Elle warns, "rest your voice."

"What, so I ca-"

"What did I just say?" She raises her eyebrows, firmly, as he pours, sinking back down next to her.

"Holy shit, he's actually listening to you," Otto laughs in disbelief, and Awsten flips him off.

"No, Wantagh was a couple days ago," Geoff speaks up again. "We're in Columbia, right?"

"Columbia was yesterday," Jawn corrects.

"Does anyone on this bus actually know where we are?" Elle questions, looking between everyone, before Lucas returns to the bus.

"Lucas!" Everyone cheers in unison - minus Awsten, of course.

"Where are we?" Otto asks first.

"Charlotte," he responds, without much hesitation.

"Ohh, yeah!" Geoff seems to remember.

"Just five more days," Lucas mutters to himself earning laughs from around the bus, "just five more days."


"Awsten, stop trying to talk," Elle warns him, firmly, for at least the tenth time in the last hour; she heads down the bus, and he follows her swiftly from the lounge.

Everyone else had wandered off of the bus to socialise with some other bands, with only a few days remaining of the tour - and although Awsten is usually perfectly happy sat alone, in silence with Elle, he can't seem to keep his mouth shut.


"No!" She turns around quickly, placing a finger over his lips; her hand lingers there for a moment, until Awsten tilts his head to the side, opening his mouth and biting her finger. "Oh my god," Elle tries to pull her hand away, but he catches it in his own and giggles. "I'm gonna have to find a new a way shut you up, arent I?"

Awsten hums, pulling her closer to him, with a secure hold on her waist. "I can think of a few ideas," he responds, teasingly, his voice still hoarse, which only makes Elle's heart beat a little faster.

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