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APRIL 2018

Awsten and Elle's trip to Los Angeles may have been short lived, but they both enjoyed it nonetheless.

They liked getting away together for a couple of days, enjoying being on more similar schedules than they're used to; but once they get back to Houston, they know they're both busy with work and other engagements.

A couple of days pass when they return, soon turning into a week, consisting of Elle working relentlessly in attempts to keep some more money coming in, because she's been terrified of running low on funds ever since she moved out here.

Though, when she finally has an afternoon off, of course, Awsten is ridiculously busy. Their schedules have been clashing recently, in a way that is frustrating for the both of them; when Awsten is free afternoons or evenings, Elle is usually working a full day, and when Awsten is free in the mornings, Elle is working the earlier shifts.

She took the earliest shift today, opening up the store, before she was told she could leave, due to the amount of overtime she's been doing, as well as the store being over-staffed for the morning.

On her way back from work, Elle decides to stop off to see Taylor at work on the way.

The bell rings at the door as she enters the store, and Taylor looks up, with a quizzical expression.

"What're you doing here?" She asks, offering Elle a confused smile.

"Bloody hell, I'll just leave then, shall I?" She responds, sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant," Taylor rolls her eyes. "Did you finish work early? It's not even the afternoon yet," she continues, glancing at the time.

"Yeah, too many staff in," Elle shrugs, wandering around. "Thought I'd come see you."

"Just don't steal anything," Taylor calls, from behind the counter.

"You got it," Elle replies, admiring the display with an array of purple flowers. "What's this?" She asks, glancing to Taylor who makes her way over, as Elle points to a specific photo of a flower on display.

"Balloon flower," Taylor answers. "You know, you ask me that every time you come in here," she points out.

"Do I?" Elle furrows her eyebrows, her gaze remaining on the picture. "I'm not very good with the names, like you are.." she trails off. "This one might be my favourite, though."

"I know," Taylor nods. "You say that every time you're in here, too," she laughs. "You've said that ever since that day you-" Taylor stops, cutting herself off with a thought. "Well, the day you met Awsten, actually."

"I have?" Elle turns to her, surprised, before shrugging it off. "I swear, these all look different every time."

"I would've thought all of my flower knowledge would have rubbed off on you, at least a little bit, after all these years," Taylor shakes her head.

"It has a little bit," Elle reasons. "The names and stuff are just confusing."

"As well as their general appearance?" Taylor teases.

"Oh, whatever," Elle waves her off. "When are they in bloom?" She asks, attempting to impress her with the most technical term she can think of.

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