Chapter Thirty Two; The End

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*** HEY guys. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting and fanning. Its been wonderful writing for you all. I am happy to say this is the last chapter so I hope you enjoy it. ***

The cats padded through the undergrowth, ears pricked for the signs of prey or cats. Ravenshadow had gone and escorted Nettlefoot home Greynose had twitched whenever a fern hit him or when a bird fluttered out a tree. She guessed he wasn't used to the sounds of the forest anymore. They had been away for almost half a moon, traveling through unknown lands with no foliage or lots of trees to hide in. 

Leaf-fall winds must of brought down a lot of nuts, as she noticed that beech nuts were everywhere. At least it would bring more prey. She thought happily. She was glad to be under the trees again. It felt more safe, less threatening. More prey scent filled the air, making her mouth water.

"I wish we could stop and hunt." Greynose said voicing her thoughts. "But we need to get home."

"I'm sure that Ravenshadow would of told them we were coming and saved us some prey." Frostflower mewed impatiently, her claws digging into the soft earth.

They carried on and soon reached the thorn tunnel. Mews were coming from inside. The cats walked through and it turned to silence then an uproar of mews as the recognised their clanmates.

"Welcome home!" Goldenleaf mewed the loudest. Her three kits were jumping up and down in exitment, their tiny tails sticking out and their fur spiked up. Dapplekit came up to her, her green eyes wide.

"Did you really fight bears?" She asked.

"Yes we did." Dawnfire replied to her niece. Dapplekit nodded and ran away excitedly whispering to her littermates. Redstar appeared on the highledge.

"Welcome back!" He called. the Clan looked up at him and they quietly settled down to listen. "Dawnfire." Come up and tell us what happened." Redstar suggested. She felt privileged to come up and speak for her Clan, but then remembered Frostflower. 

"Frostflower, come up with me." She whispered. Frostflowers' eyes brightened and she followed Dawnfire up the highledge. Redstar looked at her confused. "She helped lead." Dawnfire explained.

"Ah OK. Dawnfire, Frostflower, tell us about your travels." He requested. They took turns explaining their fight with the bears, the wolves, their journey and Rippletail. "We grieve for Rippletail." He mewed sadly.

"Birchpaw hasn't finished his training yet!" Mossnose exclaimed. Dawnfire felt a suddedn pang. She could of prevented this. Now Birchpaw wont have enough training.

"But maybe Rippletail will teach him the ways in his dreams." Runningshadow called. Maybe, but maybe that cant be done.

"Well done anyway. Glad to hear you defeated the bears. Hawkpaw, could you fetch them all some fresh kill. Mossnose, could you tend to their wounds."

"Brackenpelt did that in WindClan." Frostflower mewed.


Dawnfire was surprised that Hawkpaw was still an apprentice. He was supposed to become a warrior with Ravenshadow. 

She went into the warriors den with Greynose and the lay down side by side and began sharing tongues.

** WARNING: slightly soppy stuuf ahead! :D **

"I love you Dawnfire. I really truly do. Foxclaw told me about you and him many moons ago and what you did so they could be together made me realise how much you cared." Greynose whispered to her.

"I- I love you too Greynose. I hope you weren't angry about our secret. I basically kept that secret and forgot it, never thought about it." She replied. She looked into his eyes and saw her own feelings reflected in his eyes.

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