Chapter Twenty Eight; The Journey Continues

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The cats trekked back through the forest toward the river. As the trees thinned out, Dawnfire noticed Silverpebble who's fur was spiked up in all directions. She was standing protectively over Rippletails' body. As the cats emerged, Silverpebble turned to look at them, fear raging through her blue eyes but once she recognised them she somewhat relaxed.

"Silverpebble, are you OK?" Frostflower asked rushing forward. "Here, have my mouse. I can see you havn't eaten."

"I don't-" Silverpebble started.

"No, you havn't eaten anything since Rippletail died. She wouldn't want you to die. You have a future."

"And so did Rippletail." Silverpebble hissed. Dawnfire could tell Frostflower was taken aback by the fierceness in the RiverClan warriors mew but Frostflower kept coaxing her. "Fine, I'll eat your mouse."

As Silverpebble began to eat, Bluepaw approached her. "Are you alright Bluepaw?" She asked.

"I'm fine, its Kestrelwing I'm worried about." Bluepaw answered sounding concerned.

"What? Why?"

"Ever since Rippletail died he has been fussing over Silverpebble, trying to get her to eat and even catching prey for her. Didn't you hear him this morning? He said that he would catch prey for her."

Dawnfire thought back to this morning. Bluepaw was right. She could vaguely remember Kestrelwing saying that he would catch prey for Silverpebble.

"I- I think he likes her." Bluepaw whispered.

Dawnfire bit back a purr of laughter. Bluepaw was probably right. "I think so too!" She joked.

Bluepaw nodded her head and padded away to join Stormpelt and Gorsepaw. Dawnfire found Foxclaw and Greynose sitting beside each other tucking into some prey and Frostflower was soothing Silverpebble. She found Kestrelwing sitting a little way off staring at Silverpebble with his ears pricked as he ate his rabbit.

Dawnfire padded round behind him. "You know its not nice to stare and eavesdrop!" She hissed at him. He jumped up and turned around. She had obviously gave him a fright.

"I- I wasn't staring ... I- I- I was j- just um ... observing." He stammered.

"Observing huh? That's as bad as staring. Just remember where your loyalties lie." She mewed sternly.

He nodded pretending to look confused and began to eat his meal again. Dawnfire joined Greynose and kept her eye on Kestrelwing.

"You OK?" Greynose asked making her jump.

"Y- yeah, why?"

"You just seem tense that's all." He mewed to her. She looked at him and felt her heart burst with love for him.

"I- I was just ...." She coudn't tell him about Kestrelwings' divided loyalties and Frostflowers' half-Clan heritage.

"What?" He asked. "You were what?"

"I- I can't say." She mewed.

He looked at her and stood up. "Well, when you can decide where your loyalties lie and who you love, come and tell me." He growled and turned to walk away.

"Greynose wait I-"

"Yeah, it was the same with all the other cats who loved cats in a different Clan. 'Oh I didn't mean to, I didn't know, we're just friends.' Its always the same. And its not the first time I've seen you mooning over a tom from a different Clan." He spat.

Dawnfire lay there with horror as she watched her 'mate' walk away. Grief swelled up making her feel horrible. He thought she was with cats from another Clan. What other toms did he refer to? She thought back to days when she was around toms, gatherings, border patrols. That was it. Now he thought she was with Kestrelwing. She walked over to Kestrelwing.

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