Chapter Fifteen; The Cats Find Themselves Being Followed

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Dawnfire woke the rest of the cats up. 

"Right, we need to sort out fresh-kill." She mewed once all the cats had gathered. "Um, Silverpebble could you fish please?" Silverpebble nodded her head. "OK thank you. All those who wish to have fish please wait here. Did anyone catch any scent of prey yesterday?" She asked them.

"I did smell rabbit but it dissapeared after those grey foxes or dogs, whatever they were came. I guess they scared all the prey off from here to WindClan!" Kesrelwing hissed.

"Not to worry. Can you take Gorsepaw out and see if you can find some rabbit. After all, you two are the best rabbit hunters out of all of us." She mewed ttrying to cheer the WindClan warrior. Her praise made him smile a bit but he was clearly not happy that the wolves had come. Gorsepaw joined him as they stalked off to find some rabbit.

"Hey there Dawnfire." Greynose mewed nuzzling her.

"Hi Greynose." She said and burried her nose into his fur. All of a sudden she felt the fur on the back of her neck stand on end. It felt like someone was watching her. She took a step back from Greynose and turned to look over the river. A pair of blue eyes were staring at her but they dissapeared before she could see who it was.

"Are you alright?" Greynose asked her. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"You clearly didn't seem fine earlier." 

"It was just a bad dream that's all."

He shrugged and gave her a sympathetic lick on the ear. "Don't worry Dawnfire. Just remember that no matter how scary a dream is, I will always be here for you."

Dawnfire couldn't find the right words to reply.

"I know your still not used to this much affection. But it will grow on you like your tail." He mewed to her with a twinkle in his eyes. He always knew how to cheer her up.

She returned the lick and walked over to where Silverpebble was sitting catching fish. "Need any help?" She asked the silver tabby. She sook her head and pointed to a pile of fish. "OK then."

Dawnfire was unsure what to do. She padded along the river when a scent coming from across the river caught her nose. It seemed familiar. Probably some kind of plant or herb that I smellt back at home. She thought. But it didn't smell like that, it was more of an animal scent. She decided to look for herself.

Making sure the other cats didn't see her she ran along the river and found some stones she could use as stepping stones. She reached the other side getting only her paws wet. She padded back down to where she found the scent. It grew stronger. Its a cat! She thought. She knew this cat. Then caught another scent. It was another cat. The two cat scents were very similar.

Just then a white she-cat padded out of the bush. She stopped dead when she saw Dawnfire. She looked surprised to see her. The she recognised her.



*** Sorry its short! ***

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