Chapter Thirty One: Home

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Dawnfire had just filled herself up on juicy, plump mice. They had told Tiger of everything that happened on their trip. He listened quite contently, nodding every so often and gasping when something bad happened. Now though, she wanted to sleep. To morrow they would begin their long journeys.

She huddled up close to Greynose, feeling his warmth. She had missed it. It was only for a few nights but still. She closed her eyes, letting sleep overcome her.

She opened her eyes and found herself in a sunlit meadow, filled with flowers and prey scent. The scent of rabbit and squirrels made her mouth water.

"Well done Dawnfire." She heard a familiar voice say. It was her mother Swiftleaf. "You did well on this quest and I'm sure you will have a wonderful future."

"Thank you but, there is something I must ask." Dawnfire mewed.

"What is it?"

"Why did you send us on the trip? I mean, if the bear invaded RiverClan, they could get rid of it by themselves." She asked.

Swiftleaf looked a bit awkward, as if she didnt want to say. "Lets just say ... we did it to stop hostility between the Clans."

Dawnfire thought for a moment, it made slight sense. But why did they need to stop hostility between the Clans?" 

"I'm sorry Dawnfire, there is no more I can say. Prophecies are like that." She nodded her head and then the dream faded. She was back in the barn, curled next to Greynose. He was already awake. 

"Good morning." He mewed. 

"Hi," She replied. "You ready?" She asked. He nodded his head and they got up and padded over to Frostflower who sat thinking. 

"I was thinking ... maybe RiverClan and ShadowClan go one way, and us and WindClan go the other." Frostflower suggested. That could work.

"Or ... we go with them to RiverClan,explain what happened and then go back with WindClan." Dawnfire suggested. 

"That or instead of travelling extra we just tell them what to say and we will tell more at the Gathering." Froostflower mewed. She got to hand it to her, Frostflower was pretty good at organizing things.

She followed Frostflower as she gathered the cats around her. "We travel home today. I decided we should go in groups of two. ShadowClan and RiverClan will take RiverClans' side of the lake and ThunderClan and WindClan will take the other. Stormpelt, could you see RiverClan home?" She asked. Stormpelt nodded. "Good. Could you also tell them a bit and say that more will be said about the journey at the Gathering."

"No problem Frostflower." He mewed.

"Good." She mewed closing her eyes. "Goodbye, you all did well on the journey. It wasn't much but I was glad to serve as your leader for the last part. I will give you time to say goodbye to friends." Frostflower mewed and she instantly went over to see Silverpebble.

"Hey Dawnfire." Stormpelts' voice mewed behind her. "Can you tell Goldenleaf that I love her. A- And tell her I am so happy our kits are OK."

"No problem. It was great traveling with you. I guess every journey makes new friends."

"Yeah. Its gonna be hard but we are warriors-"

"And apprentices!" Bluepaw hissed playfully.

"Yes. We can survive anything." Stormpelt finished.

Dawnfire purred in agreement. Frostflower came bounding over. "Stormpelt, could you help Silverpebble carry Rippletail to their camp?"

"Sure. Bluepaw, come on. We will be leaving soon." He called. The blue-grey apprentice nodded and bounded over to join him.

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