Chapter Nineteen; Dawnfire Finds Herself Back In The Dark Forest

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Dawnfire began to panic. The last time she entered the Dark Forest was when Tigerstar had threatened her.

She looked around for the glow of eyes in trees and bushes. There was none.

"Swiftleaf? Firestar? Help me. I'm back here in the Dark Forest." Before she could think the words were out. 

"You shouldn't shout here. Your voice travels across the whole forest." A deep voice growled behind her. She whipped around to see Tigerstar, but this cat wasn't Tigerstar. He looked like him, the same muscular build, the same tabby coat. Only the eyes were different. This cat had unusual ice-blue eyes rather than a deep amber.

"My name is Hawkfrost. I'am Tigerstars' son. You really shouldn't be here Dawnfire. Tigerstar could kill you."

"He can try."

"He will, and he will succeed."

"And how do you know that?" 

"It's obvious. He is powerful. But so am I. I don't want to see you die, I feel bad whenever a helpless cat wanders onto Tigerstars' territory. I used to like the killing, but when Bramblestar joined StarClan, I wanted to stay close to him. I managed to get access from the Dark Forest to StarClan. No other Dark Forest cat can enter StarClan except me."

"I'm not a helpless cat!" Dawnfire hissed.

"Shh! Keep your voice down. Now follow me and keep quiet."

Not bothering to see if she followed or not, Hawkfrost bounded into the bracken. Dawnfire wasn't sure whether she should trust him or not. But she wanted out of here so she followed him. 

Hawkfrost was running pretty fast but Dawnfire managed to catch up to him. "Slow down." She panted.

At her request, Hawkfrost slowed down to a gentle pace.

"We can't stay and travel slow Dawnfire, we must run. You see that white light over there," he pointed to a small white hole. "Aim for that. You go on ahead, I'll keep watch behind. But still remember to run. Don't daddle and-"

"Yeah, yeah! I got it. Can we go now?"

"Yes." At his word Dawnfire rushed past him and aimed for the white light. But before she could reach it, Hawkfrost jumped in front of her and blocked her path. 

"Hawkfrost, why are you blocking me? We need to get through into StarClan." The words were out before she recognised the dark amber eyes of Tigerstar.

"So, my own son has betrayed me?" He growled.

"No, Tigerstar I-"

"Enough! I never thought that you would do this. Bramblestar yes. But you?"

Hawkfrost stared at Tigerstar,

"Hawkfrost. You know what the punishment for betraying the Dark Forest is don't you?" Tigerstar hissed menacingly.

Hawkfrost gulped and looked at his paws, his big blue eyes betraying his fear.

"Don't you?" Tigerstar repeated.

"Y- yes."

"Well, then. It is a punishment I thought I would not have to preform for a long time, but it looks like you're time is up."

Dawnfire realised what Tigerstar was about to do. "No!" She yowled. "Stay away from him."

Tigerstar turned to look at her. He looked surprised that she had defended Hawkfrost.

"And why should I?"

"No, Dawnfire. Go to StarClan."

"No, Hawkfrost. You go. Unlike you I can wake up."

"Not if I kill you first!" Tigerstar hissed moving towards her.

Dawnfire started to feel fear but she pushed it down. She didn't want Tigerstar to know how scared she really was.

Tigerstar lunged at her, his long claws raked down her side. She went to fight back but her leaped on her and bit into her neck. Her vision went all blurry and she started to feel dizzy.

"Get off her!" She heard Hawkfrost yowl as she dirfted into unconsiousness.

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