Chapter Ten; The Dreams

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*** This isnt an offical chapter, just the dreams of the chosen cats ***


A golden tom walked through the heather. The lush scents of rabbit were all around him. He must be dreaming, as the scent of rabbit is not this strong. In fact, he can't find any prey for his Clan. They were starved.

He carried on through the heather and arrived at the shore of the lake and he spotted a small ginger and white tom.

"Gorsepaw!" He shouted. Gorsepaw turned around and saw him. 

"Kestrelwing, w- what are you doing here? I mean, in my dream?" Gorsepaw stammered.

"I'm not in your dream, your in mine!" Kestrelwing mewed back a little surprised.

"No your in a dream together." A voice sounded close.

Kestrelwing arched his back and hissed at the new comer although, he was nowhere to be seen. Gorsepaws' fur bristled and the two toms stared into the bush where the voice had come from. 

A tabby tom raaised himself from inside the bush. "I am Onestar. I was leader many seasons ago." The tom mewed.

Kesrelwing looked at the tom who apparently seemed too be Onestar. He heard about Onestar before, he was the great Firestars friend until he betrayed him. "What are you doing here?" Kesrelwing asked.

"I have a message for you. The kestral flies with the wind and the gorse protects it. But together they can save those around them from the danger.." Onestar replied.

Gorsepaw looked at the leader. "What in StarClans name does that mean?" The apprentice asked sounding Kesrelwings thoughts.

Onestar looked calmy at them both. "Tomorrow night, when the moon is a cresent you two will visit the Moonpool. There will be two from every other Clan so do not be alarmed. At the Moonpool you will find the answer to your questions."

Gorsepaw looked at Onestar as he vanished. "Will we trust him?"

"It sounds like a message from StarClan. I will take you out hunting tomorrow night and we will leave for the Moonpool."

Gorsepaw nodded hi head in agreement. "But what will we tell Ashcloud? After all, she is my mentor."

"I don't know, I'll think of something but Gorsepaw. You must tell no one. Got it?"

"Got it."

Kestrelwing padded back the wy he came and woke up to find himself in the burrow that is the warriors den.


A small blue-grey she-cat stepped out the shadows. She was dreaming. Without thinking her paws carried her to the shore of the lake. There she sat watching the reflection of the almost cresent moon ripple across the water0. She heard the bushes behind her rustle and she turned around to  see a grey tom emerge from the bushes.

"Huh, thats weird." He mewed looking at her. "I didn't think you would be in my dream Bluepaw."

Bluepaw felt the same way. "Maybe our dreams cross." She mewed to him.

"Or maybe StarClan is going to send you a sign." A deep voice growled making Blupaw jump. She looked and saw a powerful white tom with black paws jump out a tree. 

"Blackstar." The grey tom beside her mewed dipping his head in respect. So this was Blackstar. Bluepaw had heard a lot about him.

"Greetings Strompelt and Bluepaw. I come from StarClan and I am here to send you a message."

"For both of us?" Strompelt asked the former ShadowClan leader.

"Yes for both of you!" He growled. "Why would you both be here if it was only for you?" He hissed at him. "Now then. The storm covers the blue sky, protecting those in the shadows from the danger."

"What does it mean?" Bluepaw asked him.

"I can't tell you that but tomorrow night when the moon is a cresent you two must go to the Moonpool. You will find all your answers there."

Blupaw and Strompelt looked at eachother in confusion but before either of them could ask why, Blackstar vanished and Bluepaw woke up. She stood up and groomed herself. She saw Stormpelt come out of the warriors den with confusion plastered over his face. What did Blackstar mean? She rused over to Stormpelt.

"Did you have the same dream I did?" He asked her. She nodded her head.

"We must go to the Moonpool tonight, but if we go lets not tell anyone." She whispered in his ear. He just nodded and walked off.

Bluepaw looked around her camp. If StarClan said there was danger, then she would do anything to protect her Clan.


A pretty silver tabby stepped out of the reeds. It was night time and the smell of fresh-kill was tempting. But this was a dream. She couldn't hunt for her Clan in her dream. She padded towards the lake edge and looked out across the shining water. It was almost a cresent moon, and soon it would be the half moon where she would go to the Moonpool to share tounges with StarClan. 

"Hello Rippletail." A voices sounded behind her. Rippletail whipped around to see a golden tabby she-cat with spots aswell as stripes. It was unusual for a cat to have spots and stripes. Then she recognised the she-cat. It was Leopardstar. She had come to Rippletail in dreams before to tell her where the catnip was when Mistystar had greencough.

"Leopardstar." Rippletail mewed and dipped her head in greeting. "How are you?"

"I am fine, but where is Silverpebble?" Leopardstar asked.

"Silverpebble? Wha-" Rippletail was cut off by a cat crashing through the reeds. She saw a flash of silver and saw Silverpebble crash into the lake. 

"There she is." Leopardstar mewed with amusment. "Greetings Silverpebble." She said to her. Silverpebble stood up and shook the water off her fur and came out of the lake. She stopped dead when she saw Leopardstar and Rippletail.

"Um, hi!" Silverpebble mewed looking confused. "Oh, um sorry Rippletail. Did I interupt a dream?"

Rippletail was about to reply but Leopardstar beat her to it, "No Silverpebble. In fact we were waiting for you."

"For me? Why?" She mewed.

"I have a message from StarClan for you both. The ripple gives the river its life, shining silver in the night and day to protect those who live around the water from danger." Leopardstar mewed. 

It didn't strike Rippletail as much because she was used to omens and signs, but Leopardstar mentioned danger. What kind of danger though? 

"What do you mean?" Silverpebble asked the leader. 

"Thats for you to find out tomorrow night at the Moonpool." Leopardstar replied calmly to Silverpebbles question. "There are two from every Clan that you will meet tomorrow night. Rippletail," she mewed turning to the medicine cat. "you go to the Moonpool every half-moon. We at least picked one medicine cat for the prophecy. I do not know who the other leaders picked but I offered to pick you. You can show them the way to the Moonpoll and tell them what to do. You must find strength and courage to help them." And with that Leopardstar dissapeared.

"Silverpebble, tomorrow when I come and get you we will say we are going to collect herbs. But we will go to the Moonpool."

"Why don't you say you had a sign and say you need to go to the Moonpool to find out more. And say that you will bring me just for protection and also to help carry herbs for on the way home." Silverpebble suggested. That was a good idea. 

"OK, we'll go with your idea." Rippletail mewed. The two cats sat there until they woke up.

Rippletail sat up in her nest. What is now in store for the four Clans?"

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