Chapter Three; The Gathering

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Dawnfire could hardly beleive what she just heard!

Her sisters kits were half-Clans! What was her sister thinking? Every cat knows that having half-Clan kits is bad, by a long shot, and if their father ever found out...

Dawnfire didn't want to think what he would do if he found out.

"Please don't tell any cat Dawnfire, please!" she wailed. "I don't know what happened, we met at a gathering when we were aprentices, became closer and then ... we had these three beautiful kits. He doesn't know I've had them yet and I've been trying to get out and tell him but I can't! I even named Stormkit after him." she mewed sadly.

"Tomorrow nights the gathering. I could tell him then." Dawnfire offered. "I doubt Redstar will let you go if your kits are only a few days old."

"Really? You would do that, for me?" she gasped.

"Of course I would." she mewed back trying to sound helpful.

"Oh thank you, and Dawnfire," she asked as Dawnfire slid out the nursery. "remember, don't tell any cat."


Dawnfire padded back into the stone hollow with Poppypaw just behind her. It had been a day since she found out the true identities of her sisters kits.

She'd been out training and hunting with her apprentice all day and wanted nothing more than to curl up and fall asleep in the comfort of the warriors den, but she knew she had a gathering to go to later on that night.

She saw Redstar waiting to gather his warriors for the gathering. She ran over and waited with Frostflower, Dovepaw and Salem for the rest of those who were going.

"Who else is going?" asked Poppypaw.

"Greynose, Mossnose, Runningshadow and Ravenpaw." he replied.

"OK" Poppypaw mewed.

Salem, I would like you to take that crow you found yesterday. Be sure to sit at the edge of the clearing and hide it. When I ask you, you bring it out." Redstar told him.

"My pleasure Redstar!" he growled back.

The rest of the cats arrived and they set off for the gathering.

Dawnfire was waiting for her turn to cross the tree bridge when she scented ShadowClan approching. Near the front of the group was Stormpelt a grey tom beside a small grey tabby tom. His apprentice, she guessed. Her sister described him to her so she knew what he looked like.

After she crossed the tree bridge she waited for Stormpelt to cross. As soon as she saw him leap off the tree she called out to him. He pricked his ears and his eyes lit up. I bet he thinks I'm Goldenleaf, she thought.

Stormpelt told the grey tabby tom behind him to follow the others and he'd be there in a moment. She saw him padding closer to the bush and he called out softly "Goldenleaf?"

"No, I'm Dawnfire, Goldenleafs' sister. I bring news from her though."

He looked worried, obviously guessing Goldenleaf had told her.

"Goldenleaf has had her kits." she mewed calmly. She still didn't trust him and she hoped he would be happy that she had her kits.

"Oh StarClan" he breathed joyfuly. "What do they look like? What are their names? When were they born?" He obviously couldn't stop the river of questions.

"There are three. One tom, he looks like you and she named him after you. The other two are she-kits and one is golden like her mother and the other is a tortoiseshell. Their names are Brightkit and Dapplekit."

Stormpelt looked ready to burst with pride and ask more questions but before he could do so a yowl sounded from in the clearing. Dawnfire peered out to see the four leaders sitting on the branches of the big oal tree int he centre. Dawnfire mewed a farewell to Stormpelt and padded over to sit beside her apprentice.

The leader of WindClan, Cloudstar spoke first. "WindClan is thriving," he mewed hesitantly. "and we have plenty fresh-kill. We also have a new apprentice, Harepaw." Dawnfire looked to see the young tom sitting up proudly inbetween a group of apprentices. He still bore marks of the little fight the patrols had at the border.

Mistysar the RiverClan leader spoke next saying how the lake and river were full of fish. "I also have a new deputy. Reedwhisker" She meowed flickering her tail to where a black tom was sitting beside the other deputies. "My last deputy died after the dogs at the horseplace got out." Most of the cats bowed their heads in respect. Flashfoot was a respectful deputy. His last answer for everything was a fight.

Redstar moved forward to speak. "I have some good news and some bad news." He started. "First the good news. ThunderClan is blessed with three new kits, Brightkit, Dapplekit and Stormkit. We also have two new apprentices, Hawkpaw and Ravenpaw. Hawkpaw is not here tonight though." He mewed. "Now for the bad news. Two sunrises ago a patrol spotted WindClan hunting very close to the border. At first we thought it was nothing to worry about..." his face darkened as he went on, "but yesterday, another patrol came accross three of your warriors," he turned to Cloudstar, "hunting on my territory."

"You have no proof of that!" spat Cloudstar. "My warriors are loyal and I know they would never do that."

"Yes I do. Salem, bring the crow." he mewd calmly. At his word Salem pulled out the half eaten bird from underneath a bush. Dawnfire saw that Breezetails' eyes widened in sock and fear. Got you! Dawnfire thought. 

"I don't beleive it!" he hissed. "Ashcloud, check it out."

Ashcloud walked up to the crow. As she sniffed it her eyes clouded with disbelief. "Its true Cloudstar." she mewed quietly. "And the cat who's scent is on it most clearly is Harepaw."

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