Chapter Twenty One; The Bears

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Dawnfire led the cats once again through barren wasteland. She remembered her dream and what StarClan had said to her; "Dawnfire, you must not give up. Do not let him defeat you."

"I tried not to!" She had replied to them. It had been more than three days now, but they have had delays, the wolf attack, Bluepaw losing her life, Gorsepaw attacking her and of course, Dawnfire losing her life. She felt awful. She had let them all down.

It was almost sunhigh now so she let them hunt. Dawnfire went to find something for herself when Foxclaw came up to her.

"Dawnfire, I was hunting over that way when I smelt something weird."

"Like what?"

"I don;t know, it wasn't prey scent. Well, it did smelt a bit fishy but it wasn't cats, or foxes or badgers."

Dawnfires heart started to race. Bears.

"Foxclaw, I think you may of found the bears! Show me."

Foxclaw turned around and ran off. She followed him. He had stopped at a bramble bush and she had a sniff. What hit her was nothing she'd ever smelt before. It had a tang of fish and a carnivorous smell to it. She peered through the branches. She saw noting except a small cave.

"I can defiantly smell it but there is nothing there apart from a-" she was cut off by a loud roaring sound. She started to panic. The roaring didn't come from the cave, but from behind them. She turned around to see a big  brown creature stating on its hind legs. It was huge!

"Dawnfire!" Bluepaw shreeked. "Help, what is it?"

she looked and the brown creature and was whisked back to the night she went to the Moonpool. Firestar was explaining the creatures and he was explaining the colours they came in. " Browns and blacks." He had told them.

"I know those creatures. What are they called again? Oh yes, bears!" Tiger had called them. "They go to the river every year for the salmon run."

This creature standing in front of the ten cats was the bear they were looking for.


I know this chapter is short, but I really want to write the next few chapters. Please vote and comment and if you havn't alredy, fan me please. I will fan you in return.

Thank you so much for reading and I hoped you have had just as much as an adventure as Dawnfire has. I hope you like her name, it took me ages (well, 5 mins) to think of her name. :3

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