Just an update :)

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This is just.., an update? I guess, on my warriors fan fiction(s)

I wrote these when i was like 12/13. Now I'm almost 16. Basically, I won't be continuing the Warriors fan fictions. It's not that I've lost interest in the books, Warriors was my favourite series for a number of years and I loved reading them so much, it's just right now I have other story plans. The Warriors fan fictions were basically a start to me writing something, though I like to think I have advanced in the writing field. It's all happy memories in the past!?

I'm reaching my final 2 years in Academy/Secondary School also, I'm putting as much of my focus on school as well as the idea for a fantasy novel which I really want to write. School is stressful which only increases my anxiety levels. Writing fantasy is my escape, and my ideas for the fantasy novel are more important to me than continuing a fan fiction I've had on hold for months.

I hope you understand my reasons for not continuing the Warriors fan fictions,

Thank you to all those who read my completed one, and thank you for your opinions and criticism, it was all gladly appreciated :D


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