Chapter Twenty Nine; Not Again

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Dawnifre opened her eyes and found herself in the Dark Forest Once again. Oh great StarClan! She thought. She started to think that Tigerstar really did want something from her.

"Welcome back Dawnfire." A sniggering voice rasped from behind her. She turned around to see a tortoiseshell she-cat glaring at her.

"What do you want now?" Dawnfire growled.

"I'm not the one who wants you, he is." The tortoiseshell cat mewed flickering her tail towards Tigerstar. He stepped out of the bushed with and emotionless gaze. She noticed he had wound and one of his eyes was scratched out.

"You see this?" He hissed shoving his muzzle into her face. "You and your lousy friend did this.If you accepted power, then you wouldn't have to come back here!"



Dawnfires' heart lurched. He had tried to gain power through her best friend. This enraged her. "How dare you hurt her!" She hissed. She noticed that the tortoiseshell she-cat was no longer there.

"Calm down Dawnfire, she did this to me!"

Dawnfire felt a spark of pride that Frostflower had attacked him.

"And now Dawnfire, you are going to pay."

"W- what do you mean?

"You are going to die because of Frostflower and no StarClan warriors can help you now." He hissed.


"To late!"

Dawnfires' heart raced with fear. She wanted to run, run away where no one would find her, but Tigerstar knew the Dark Forest better than her.

Tigerstar drew closer, "Stay away from me." Danwifre yowled as the big tabby tom leaped at her,

"You are going to die Dawnfire." He hissed in her ear. "You are going to feel the pain that I have felt."

"No!" She cried. "I will-" Her words were cut off as Tigerstar clawed at her muzzle.

She bit down on his paw as it passed. He yanked it away only to make the wound bigger. He glared at Dawnfire and tried to jump on her back but Dawnfire quickly slid under him, grazing her claws along his stomach. He yowled and stumbled. Dawnfire used the time to jump on top of him. She bit down hard into is ear and raked her back claws along his pelt. She used her front claws to attack his face, trying to get his other eye.

Tigerstar ducked his head and rolled onto the ground, squashing Dawnfire. She gasped for breath and went limp, not moving a muscle or daring to breath. She felt him relax and she pushed him off with her hind legs. He landed a few fox-lengths away and lay there winded.

She tried to jump onto of him again but he moved out of the way. He clawed her side as he passed making her stumble. He pinned her to the ground, digging his claws into her shoulder. She got a good look at his eye. It was torn and bloody, and scratches were all around his eye. She tried to kick him off but he was to strong.

"Now die!" He hissed. Dawnfire trembled with fear. I'm going to die. I'm going to die! Your not going to die! Yes I am. "Dawnfire. Use the fire within." A voice whispered. It was Swiftleaf. She snapped back into life just in time to see Tigerstar gaining on her neck with his teeth bared. She dodged his killing blow and using all her power threw him off. She jumped onto him and aimed a killing blow to his neck. She felt her teeth pierce skin and she tasted the saltiness of his blood.

"G- get off." He hissed. She shook her head keeping a firm hold of Tigerstars neck. As she did so, it caused more blood to ooze from his wound. He scrambled his legs, clawing at Dawnfire but she would not let go. Her sides burnt as Tigerstar thrashed around wildly under her as he clawed her. She could feel him weakening but he was still stronger.

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