Chapter Twenty Seven; The Forgotten Clan

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All the cats stared at Emeraldeyes in awe. SkyClan was the lost Clan, forgotten and driven from it's home many, many, many seasons ago. Long beofre the Great Journey. She had heard nursery tales of Firestar and Sandstorm travelling to save SkyClan and make it a Clan again.

"SkyClan." Frostflower breathed. "I don't believe it."

"What do you mean you don't beleive it?" Emeraldeyes asked. 

"We are from the other Clans." Dawnfire mewed quickly. 

"The other Clans?" The SkyClan warrior asked, somewhat interested. "I've been told of them."

"We have been told of SkyClan. I live in ThunderClan and so does Greynose." Dawnfire mewed.

"ThunderClan....." Emeraldeyes breathed. "What are the others again?"

"RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan." Frostflower mewed.

"I'm sorry, I need to take you to see Tanglestar."

"Is that your leader?" Gorsepaw asked.

"Well obviously mouse-brain!" Bluepaw hissed playfuly cupping the WindClan apprentice over the ear. 

"Yes he is our leader. He will be most interested to hear about the four Clans." Emeraldeyes said. She led them through the forest. The scents of cats became much stronger. The SkyClan scent was almost llike ThunderClans'. They stopped at what looked like a tunnel, formed by willows and shrubery. Beside the enterance was a river.

It must leade to the river we were following. Dawnfire thought, but she didnt remember passing any other rivers.

"There is a large pond not far from here." Emeraldeyes mewed as if she had read Dawnfires' thoughts. "If you follow it, the river leads to the pond.

They padded through the tunnel of shrubs and willows and the ground sloped down. They entered a clearing which was a large dip out of the earth. There were some bushes that provided shelter and also a few old badger sets and fox dens. Like WindClan. She thought. At the far end of the camp was a tall rock that she guessed was where their leader addressed them at Clan meetings. Cats came out to look at them, their eyes were filled with curiosity rather than hostility like cats got for entering another Clans' camp. 

Emeraldeyes told them to wait there while she darted into a den. Dawnfire had a good look at the cats. They varied in size and shape, some were large and muscular like ThunderClan cats and others were lithe, agile cats like WindClan. 

She heard paws behind her and saw Emeraldeyes exiting an old badger set with a fluffy tabby tom. His green gaze sweap over Dawnfire and the others. "Welcome to our camp." He mewed friendly to them. "Let all of those who are able to fight and hunt for SkyClan join here beneath the sacred rock for a Clan meeting." He yowled. Most of the cats were already gathered. Questions were flying around camp like flies.

"Who are they?"

"Have they joined SkyClan?"

"They have stolen prey!" An elderly voice croaked.

"Are they going to attack?"

"Are they here for my kits?" A frantic voice of a queen wailed out.

"Calm down." Their leader ordered. "These cats are from the other four Clans."

Shocked mummers rippled through the crowd. 

"I am Tanglestar, leader of SkyClan. Who might you be?" He asked the cats.

"I am Dawnfire of ThunderClan." She mewed. "From ThunderClan is also Foxclaw, Frostflower and Greynose." She mewed sweaping her tail over the three ThunderClan warriors. 

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