Chapter Thirty; More Secrets?

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Dawnfire woke with a start. Her muscles ached as if she really did fight Tigerstar. Frostflower was already awake beside her.


"I- I killed a cat." She breathed. Her blue eyes were as wide as the full moon.

"But it was a cat who deserved to die. He killed innocent cats so don't feel too bad."

"B- but it was still a cat."

"I know, I didn't think they could be killed again once they were dead."

Frostflower shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, yesterday when I was telling Greynose, Foxclaw came up and found out. He then said that he thought Greynose would be fine for you but he was wrong. Then he said he never should of left you so you didn't have to go through the pain twice, d- do you know what it means?"

Dawnfire swallowed. This was something that she never wanted to think about. A secret that she had buried and forgotten, until now. How could she tell?

"I uh..."

"What? I'm guessing but I don't want to..."

"Look, Frostflower, I'm sorry OK. I had hoped that it never would of come up.."


"I don't think I should tell you."

"Please, please tell me." Frostflower pleaded. Dawnfire looked into her blue eyes, how could she say no?

"Look, when me and Foxclaw were apprentices we ... we used to be together. I knew you liked him so I didn't want to hurt you, so w- we kept it a secret. I told him we should keep it secret because we were only apprentices. Then Foxclaw got his warrior name, I noticed you were so happy. Then around two moons later, we got our warrior names and you were always saying that once you'd gotten your warrior name you wanted to be mates with Foxclaw. So one night when we went hunting I told him that it just didn't feel right. He kept trying to make me change my mind but I told him I didn't want to be his mate. I knew he was hurt, but I didn't want you to be hurt." She told her.

Frostflower was staring at her and Dawnfire thought she was going to be mad but Frosflower purred and licked her ear. "You didn't need to do that, I'm sure I would of found someone else, but thank you Dawnfire. Now its my turn,"

"For what?"

"A secret." She purred. Dawnfire rolled her eyes. So many secrets! She thought

"I'm going to have kits!" She squealed excitedly.

Dawnfire blinked. She was so happy for her. She pushed her muzzle into Frostflowers fur and purred "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Frostflower whispered back. They were cut off by the sound of a cat padding through the bracken. They pulled apart and she saw Greynose come out. His gaze softened as he saw Dawnfire.

"What?" She snapped. He seemed to be taken aback by her harshness but he was obviously used to it.

"Look ... Dawnfire I- I'm sorry." He mewed sadly. She felt her heart break.

"I'll leave you to it." Frostflower purred in amusement.

Dawnfire flickered her ears but didn't say anything

"What?" She repeated less harshly.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. Its just, I love you and I wanted to protect you. I mean, j- just they way you were staring at Kestrelwing it-"

She cut him off. He was never good for words. "I understand." She replied.

"I'm really truly sorry Dawnfire. I didn't know you were watching him because of his divided loyalties. If I'd know I would not of done that."

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