Chapter Six; Harepaws' Punishment and A Prophecy

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Dawnfire explained that they were hunting and came across Harepaw who was eating a vole he caught on ThunderClans' territory.

"Well Harepaw. What were you doing on our territory? You promised Cloudstar it wouldn't happen again."

"I know. I'm sorry Redstar. It really wont happen again. his tim I promise." he mewed.

"A patrol told me this morning Harepaw had been punished severely." shouted Mudpelt. He was on Runningshadows' dawn patrol this morning. "If he is then why is he out of camp?"

"I was out collecting food and bedding for the elders." He replied not bothering to look at Mudpelt.

"So you decided to come onto our land looking for food, eh?" he snarled

"No." he replied to Mudpelts harsh question.

"Then explain the vole our warriors caught you eating."

"Mudpelt, that's enough." hissed Redstar. "Runningshadow, I want you and two other respectiful warriors to take Harepaw back to camp. I would like you to explain the situation to Cloudstar."

Runningshadow dipped her head in agreement. "I'll take Greynose and Dawnfire since they were the ones who found him." she said.

They lead Harepaw out of camp and into the forest towards the WindClan border.

No one talked much on their way to WindClan but as they reached the border Harepaw muttered out, "Is this really necessary? You don't need to escort me to my own camp."

"Yes it is necessary, Cloudstar needs to know that his apprentice who was supposed to be hunting in is own territroy for the elders was not doing as he was told, therefore breaking the warrior code." replied the ThunderClan deputy.

"Twice!" Greynose added.

 They padded over the border and headed into WindClan territory. As they moved forward through the heather, the scent of WindClan became much stronger. We're at their camp. She guessed."

The ThunderClan cats padded down a slope and through a tunnel made up of gorse and thorns. When they entered the camp, she saw it was a large dip in the ground. It looked as if it was sheltered by most of the harsh weather. She also noticed old badger sets and fox holes. She guessed they were used as dens. When she looked around she saw that cats were emerging from the tunnels to see what was happening. She saw one or two cats eaing fresh-kill and she realised that she hadn't eaten this morning, but taking a closer look at the prey it was all stringy and very small and there was no fresh-kil pile in sight.

Cloudstar looked up as he saw the patrol enter. "Runningshadow, what brings you to our camp?" he asked in a friemdly mannor.

"We beleive you are missing an apprentice." She replied and moved to the side reveling Harepaw. "A hunting patrol found him eating prey on our territory very close to the ShadowClan border."

"What?" Cloudstar asked, his eyes burning with the same anger they had last night at the gathering. "Harepaw, is this true?"

Harepaw looked up and replied with a "Yes," so quietly as if he were whispering to himself. "Yes Cloudstar, its true."

"I told you to not leave camp!" hissed the WindClan leader. "I told you, you were spposed to stay in camp for a moon and help Brackenpelt with the elders."

Dawnfire was confused. In the ThunderClan camp Harepaw had said that he ws told to hunt for the elders.

"He told us he was to hunt for the elders and said he had to change their bedding every day until he learned his lesson." Said Greynose voicing her thoughts.

"So, you hunted on another Clans' territory and lied to them. Thank you Runningshadow. We'll deal with Harepaw now." Cloudstar said.

Runningshadow led her patrol out of WindClan camp and back to their own territory.

When they returned to camp Dawnfire saw Frostflower and was about to tell her what had happened but saw she was with Foxclaw. The two cats had grown quite close over the last moon so Dawnfire left them to it.

Greynose padded over and sat down beside her. "Is Foxclaw bothering you again?" He asked with laughter bouncing in his amber eyes.

"Yes," she replied. "He's taking my best friend away." she mewed trying to sound sad, but she knew it had no affect on him. She was happy that Frostflower had chosen a mate but she missed the fun they had as an apprentice.

"Why don't you share some fresh-kill with me?" he asked her.

She nodded and picked out a squirrel from the pile. Greynosed looked at her with amusement. "Why are you taking such a big peice?" he asked her.

"I never ate this morning." she mewed back.

"Well Ok then." he said as he padded over to eat outside the warriors den. Her and Greynose shared tounges after finishing their meal. She saw Frostflower looking at her from across the clearing every so often but she never got up to where she was sitting beside Foxclaw.

"I think I will go to sleep now." she mewed brushing her tail over Greynoses' flank. "I'll see you in the moning." She padded over to her nest and fell asleep.

She dreamed she was in a forest, it looked familiar in a way but she didn't know why.

"Hello Dawnfire!" A young squeaky voice sounded behind her. She turned around to see small kit looking up at her with sparkling green eyes. "Your back!"

She must be in StarClans hunting grounds. "Yes Smallkit. Where is our mother?"

"She's just coming. Her name is Swiftleaf." he replied.

She felt guilty that she never knew her mothers name and never bothered to ask her.

"Hi Dawnfire. It looks like Smallkit got here first" she mewed softly. 

"Mother has a sign for you!" he mewed exitedly and stated jumping up and down.

"Hush Smallkit." she mewed silencing him. "Dawnfire, beware, Danger is coming, but the grey dawn will be your savior."

"What?" Dawnfire mewed as her mother and brother faded away. "Wait! Swiftleaf, come back!"

Her mothers voice echoed around in her head, "Danger is coming, but the grey dawn will be your savior."

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