23 - "Forever Fall"

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I soundlessly crept out of my room, looking around for anyone. Seeing no one, I walked to Steve's bedroom first. I opened it to reveal him sleeping, unmoving, on his back with his arms by his sides, like a soldier. It's been a long time since his army days, but his training still affected his life. I made my way over to him and gently wrapped my hand around his wrist. I dug through his memories, scrubbing away the ones with me and replacing them with something mundane. 

I moved on to Natasha's room. She was sleeping in a fetal position, like a cat, with one hand by her face and the other wrapped around a gun I knew she kept under her pillow. I did the same thing, erasing any trace of me from her life. 

I went to Tony's room, and found it empty. That didn't surprise me, he probably fell asleep in his lab, so I proceeded to Bruce's room. His entire body was curled into a fist, and his face was twisted into a frown. His hands were balled up into fists and pulled tight against his chest, which was hidden by his shoulder. It made it difficult to alter his mind, but I eventually was able to touch the back of his hand. 

I couldn't find Clint at first, but when I did I froze. His eyes were wide open, and he was crouched on top of the counter. When I walked closer, I realized he was asleep. You never cease to both confuse and amaze me, Clint. After I wiped him, I walked into the lab. 

Sure enough, Tony was there, his head pressed onto his workbench, with a cup of coffee still in his hand. I smiled sadly as I went through his memories, feeling the affection towards the others second-hand. As I walked out I felt a tear slide down my cheek. As I wiped it away, a hand wove its way into mine, and when I looked up I saw Verdienen.

"One left." She smiled sadly.

"I can't wipe Bucky. He's like my older brother. Well, closer to grandpa if his age is any indication, but you know." Another tear fell.

"You have to, Y/N." I heard Ben say.

"I know. Just give me a sec, okay? I'll meet you guys downstairs." They nodded, and disappeared. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the infirmary wing. When I opened his door, he looked up at me without surprise. I, however, was surprised, and looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Y/N. I thought everyone went to bed." Bucky said, setting down the book he was reading.

"And I thought the doctor said you needed rest." I returned, setting closer.

"Yeah, well, call it a habit, but I always stay up." He shrugged, then looked like he regretted it as he winced at the pain in his shoulder. I frowned.

"Buck. You know why I'm here." I decided to skip the painful small talk.

"I do. I assume everyone else has no idea who you are." His solemn eyes followed mine as I sat down next to him.

"Correct." I responded sadly, fighting the wave of tears.

"And since I'm awake, you can't wipe me or else I'll scream my head off when I see a stranger standing over my bed." He argued.

"I know. I guess I knew that you'd be awake. I didn't plan on wiping you anyway, so don't worry about it. I came to say goodbye."

That did surprise him. "You weren't going to erase me?"

"No. Because if I did you wouldn't remember me. And even if you didn't, it doesn't make my time here any less real. Buck, I want you to remember. Not to hurt you, but so you know that you were successful."


"Since we first met, all you wanted was to help me, to help me see I was more than a Hydra agent. And you did. I had a family. I mended old friendships." At his confused look, I added, "ghost friends."

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