4 - "Jungle"

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My eyes snap open at the sound of chaos outside my door. I take a deep breath, preparing for my mission, and let it out as I hear someone shouting. 

"Romanoff, Barton, you get all the files. Everyone else, with me. They're hiding something." I recognized the voice of Steve Rogers, alias Captain America. Suddenly, a loud crash sounded.

'They're broken into the hallway that leads to my door. Showtime,' I think. I wait for their arrival, ready.

"Stark, go that way, Spider-Man, down there, I'll go here." Rogers says. 

'Spider-Man? So he's joined them,' I conclude.  

"Mr. Stark, I've got a locked door here. I can't hack it 'cause it's a key lock, and it's too sturdy to break. Can you try blasting it?" A small voice says. 

"On my way, kid." Stark replies. Soon after, I hear his repulsors firing up, and the loud sound of creaking metal soon follows. I hear someone gasp. "Cap, we've got a girl in here. She's young."

"What? Hold on, I'll be right there." But they don't wait for him, as Tony steps closer to me, the metal suit around his feet hitting the pavement. When I feel he's close enough, I snap open my eyes and turn my head.

"Who are you?" I say in a dead tone. 

"I'm Tony. I'm here to help you." He steps closer to me, kneeling down next to my bed. "I'm going to undo these now, okay?" He gestures to the straps. I stay still. As he starts undoing them, I see two men in the doorway. One, Captain America. The other makes my mind freeze, just for a moment. 

'The Winter Soldier'. 

"Wait, Tony-" He tries to say, but it's too late. Stark releases me, and as soon as he does I spring out of my bed, bouncing off the wall and pushing myself out the door. I quickly dodge the arm trying to grab me, and I sprint off down the hallway. At that moment I remember the General's words to me earlier as I fly past debris and bodies on the ground. 

"When they come, you must act scared. When they come, you must run." She had said.

"But aren't I to be caught?" I asked.

"You are. But you must make them trace you, track you down. Only then will they believe your story."

"Everyone, there's a girl running around. Do not hurt her; I repeat; do not hurt her. She has Y/H/C hair, and is making her way towards the door." Rogers orders. I keep running, smirking. I see the door, surrounded by a mess of bent metal, scattered papers, and splintered wood. I ignore it all and run out, sharply turning into a nearby alley and hiding behind a dumpster. I rip open a grate next to it, used as emergency tool storage, and pull out three smoke bombs, a small handgun, and a belt equipped with several throwing knives, two combat knives, and several cases of ammunition. I lit all of the smoke bombs and threw them into the square, towards the door I just ran out of. I hear people screaming, footsteps running. But then I feel a sharp pain in the back of my arm.

"I found her, she's been sedated." I hear a voice say above me. 

'Sam Wilson, alias Falcon. Thank you.' I turn to look at him, a mask of mock fear and anger on my face as I quickly pull the dart he shot in my arm out before too much of it can affect me. My vision momentarily blurs, but I turn and run into the smoke, where he can't see me. I started to run towards the cafe front, but hear a swish above me, and Spider-Man lands gently on the ground in front of me.

"Hey! I'm Spider-Man. You look pretty young to be a Hydra agent." He remarked, whipping out his wrist and the consequential web, but I had already rolled out of the way, throwing a knife at him. I saw it nick his left arm as he tried to move away from it. Suddenly something hit my back, making me fall to my knees for a brief moment before I again rolled away. I saw Captain America's shield on the ground, and I grabbed it as I looked him in the eyes. 

I smirked, saying, "Missing something?," before I turned and blocked an attack from Spider-Man. "You ought to stop being so obvious, Spider-Man." I commented, pushing him further back. Hearing footsteps behind me, I did a leaping back walkover, flying over the oncoming attacker. Taking one of my knives, I raked it across their back and shoved them forward, causing them to plow into Spider-Man. 

"Falcon! Are you sure you sedated her? She seems pretty conscious to me!" Captain said, helping his comrade up.

"She pulled it out!" He yelled back. "I can't see in this smoke!"

'Shouldn't have spoken, birdie.' I threw the shield towards where I thought I heard him, and heard it make impact.

"She apparently can, unless Cap just hit me."

"I didn't." I heard him say behind me. 

I turned, my hands on my hips and a smirk playing at my lips. "Heya, soldier."

"Ma'am. We're here to help you. I don't know what they did to you-" The Captain started.

"I don't need a lecture, Mr. Dinnerplate." I kicked towards him, but he blocked it. I kept attacking, punching and kicking, aiming specifically towards his legs. I pulled a knife from my belt and managed to land it directly in the middle of his calf, then crouched low to the ground and swiped his heels out from underneath him with my leg. He fell, hitting the ground hard. A web suddenly wrapped around my foot and pulled me, but I used the velocity to instead launch myself onto the rooftops. Cutting the web with my last knife, I ran along the gutters, and stopped when I saw a golden glow aiming at me. I rolled off the roof, on the opposite side from the square, and landed on a fire escape, where I was met by Black Widow. 

"Hi." She said simply. She jumped, pushed off the wall, and tried to swing me down, but I counter-acted her momentum and threw her over the railing, causing her to fall two and a half stories. I ducked into the building, and used it as cover to run back outside and towards the hotel next door.

I ran straight through, under the awning of a hotel. I slowed  from there, taking a look at my surroundings. With no one around, I took a small potted plant and used it to smash the lock on the door of the front desk. Opening it, I looked for service key cards, making sure to stay low so I wasn't seen. Grabbing them, I trudged up the stairs, finally starting to feel the rest of the effects of the sedative. I pushed on as far as I could, then stopped when I ran out of energy and unlocked the door to the closest room. I closed the door and curtains, beginning  to fade in and out of consciousness as I locked myself inside the bathroom. I slid down to the floor, exhausted, and closed my eyes.


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