7 - "We Are Legends"

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"Hello." Black Widow said. 

"Hi. I'm kind of on a tight schedule, so let's skip to the part where I beat you. Again." I spun around, kicking the gun out of her hand, then blocked her advances. We were both a flurry of punches and kicks, neither one being able to get an advantage. She managed to shock me with her bracelet, but I pulled away, shaking my head. I pulled some kind of gun out of my bag, and fired, but it didn't work. I threw it at her instead, but she kicked it away and back towards me; I ducked just in time to avoid being hit.

"You were trained well." She said, trying to sweep out my legs.

"I try." I responded, jumping out of the way. I was about to grab her foot when two arms suddenly circled around my waist, and I was pulled back out the window. "Hey!"

"I got her, Cap!" Falcon triumphantly announced.

"No you don't." I twisted myself out of his arms, letting myself fall a little bit until I hung on his foot. My eyes flew across the ground not that far below me until I spotted a canopy. Worth a shot, I thought as I let go and dove feet-first at the fabric. At the last second I curled myself into a ball, and my back hit it, taking most of my momentum until it collapsed. I hit the ground hard, but from what I could tell nothing was broken. I quickly rolled to my feet and ran inside the building. I threw off my wig, glasses, and outer coat, then slowed to a stroll. 

I realized I had walked into an open market, with food, clothing, souvenirs, and all sorts of random items, all seemingly Avengers themed. I rolled my eyes as I strolled past booths, pilfering a few things; a baseball cap, a jacket, some school supplies, including several pairs of scissors and a handful of pencil sharpeners. That was all I had time to grab before Iron Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, and the Winter Soldier burst through the doors. I blended in with the crowd, standing behind an old man as everyone stared at the four of them. Then suddenly everyone rushed towards them, asking for autographs and pictures, and I joined them. While they ignored the crazed fans, their eyes scanned the few people who had stayed where they were, some even walking away. 

"I think I see her, left side, by the Spider-Man plushies." Iron Man flew up towards the girl, who turned, shocked, as his face fell. "Never mind. Hi."

"All right everyone, listen up!" Captain called, turning to the crowd that was hanging on to his every word. "We're looking for a very dangerous criminal. She was in a fight and crashed through a window, so she'll be covered in cuts and bruises. She's about Y/H tall, with Y/E/C eyes. Your help in the matter would put us in your gratitude."

Go figure, the Captain rallies the troops. Crap. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead looked around at the others with suspicion. One of the people in the crowd started to line people up, looking at their eyes and arms. Everyone else followed suit, forming multiple rows. Okay, options: get in line and most likely be found; hide and most likely be seen breaking out of the group; or run and risk other Avengers waiting outside. Calculating the risks and likelihoods of all my options, I opted to run. I walked non-nonchalantly towards the group, making my way to the left, where there was an alternate entrance. When I got as close as possible to the door, I sprinted, going as fast as I could. 

"She's running out the left door!" Hawkeye yelled. I heard an arrow whistling, skinning my leg. I kept running, finally making it to the door. I threw it open, only for my ankles to be stuck together with webbing. I rolled to avoid falling, and took one of the scissors, trying to cut it, to no avail. I quickly summoned a carbonite blade and cut myself loose, right as another web restricted my arms.

"I got her, Mr. Stark!" Spider-Man said, bounding my ankles again.

"Nice job, kid." Iron Man said, landing with a thud next to me. "Not so great now, huh?"

"Tony, be nice. She was just scared." The Winter Soldier said.

"She didn't look scared when she jumped out a window thirty stories up, and then did it again at seven stories." He replied. 

While they began to argue, I quietly cut my arms free, then my ankles. 

"Hey, guys, cut it out. We got her, and that's what matters." Captain said.

"Oops." I said, jumping up and throwing my knife at him, then turning and running.

"Spidey, Falcon." Iron Man called.

A web shot out at me, but I threw a pair of scissors at it, and the webbing wrapped around them before falling to the ground.

"Mr. Stark, she's running with scissors!"

"Not the time for jokes, kid." He replied, flying above me and firing several shots.

"Don't hurt her!" The Winter Soldier yelled, throwing a rock at the suit. "We bring her in, not take her out."

"I agree with Barnes, which is a rare occasion." Falcon said. He fired a net at me, but I dodged it. I grabbed a flower pot and threw it right at his glasses.

"Really ought to wear a helmet, birdie." I called as it broke over his head. A shield stuck into the wall in front of me, and I almost ran into it, nearly tripping as I swerved around it. Another web blocked off an alleyway I could've run into, making me alter my course. More and more exits were blocked until I saw there was no easy way out. Iron Man dropped a few feet in front of me, and I turned to see Captain America, and turned again to see the Winter Soldier. I was surrounded, and all of them were pointing what I assumed were tasers.

"On the ground." Hawkeye ordered. I narrowed my eyes, then slowly raised my arms and knelt down.

"Spidey, take her bag." Iron Man said. Spider-Man swung down in front of me, cautiously holding out a hand. Sighing, I removed the satchel from around my torso and handed it to him. 

"Thank you." He said.

"Sure." I said, mock cheer in my voice. When he turned around, I summoned a smoke bomb and lit it, tossing it in the air as it exploded in a gray cloud.

"Falcon, blow this away!" Captain yelled as I stood up and ran, only to be met by the Winter Soldier.

"Sorry about this." He said apologetically before stabbing my arm with a syringe. "Got her!"

"Well played, Sergeant." I said as my knees gave out. He caught me and gently lowered me to the ground as I blacked out.


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