10 - "I See Red"

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My eyes shift from place to place, looking for something moving in the dark. With how quick and deadly these two highly trained assassins are, reading their minds would be slower than just reacting to their attacks. A black boot comes flying at me, and I grab it, flipping it around and pushing its owner back. Steam hisses from a fog machine on the floors, further disadvantaging me. But I don't see it as one; I use the movements of the fog to determine where they are, stepping closer to one of the machines to hide my own. A cloud moves in an odd direction, and I take the chance, I sprint towards the movement, spinning and kicking at it. Someone blocks it, and I attack again and again, using my feet, my fists, my elbows, whatever. 


I ignore the flash of memory and keep attacking. I duck down and sweep their ankles, hearing metal clatter against the floor. Barnes.


"Barnes, nice to see you. Well, hear you." I roll on the ground quickly so he loses sight of me.


"Shut up." I mutter.

"What?" I hear Barnes say.

I turn, thinking he's behind me. But instead I saw something else. A small girl, about the age of nine, was standing there, a ghostly expression on her pale face, broken up by dripping blood. Her necklace shone in the dim lights, drenched in the same crimson it had when I killed her.

"Erin! I knew you would rescue me!"

"Not now, Verdienen." I say, louder.

"Erin? Who are you talking to?" Someone said, but all my attention was centered on the dead girl in front of me.

"Don't fail, Erin." She taunts.

"Go away, Verdienen!" I shout. I try to attack her, but she dodges them all, without breaking eye contact.

"Don't fail, Erinnerung. Or else. . . Well, you know. Hail Hydra." She points a gun at me and fires.

"No!" I scream, falling to the ground. 

"Barnes! Something's wrong!" Romanoff yells. The lights come back on, and when I look down I see a small pool of blood around me.

"What?" Barnes yells. 

"Oh my god." I hear Romanoff say. She found me first. "Erin's down!" I hear the door slide open, people shouting. At some point I'm picked up and carried. 

"Not my first gun wound." I say, but my words slur together. Am I breathing harder than I was before? Maybe. Probably from the sparring. I can't think straight. Am I speaking out loud? No, I'm not that delirious. "Verdienen, you win. Oops, I said that out loud. Am I still speaking? Maybe. Just don't mention the mission, and you'll be fine." I hear a young girl giggle. I know that giggle.  "Wow, V, going to rub it in my face?"

"What is she talking about?" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


My eyes snap open at the sound of hushed voices outside my door. I take a deep breath as I try to blink away my headache, and release it when I hear a familiar voice.

"Mr. Stark, it appears Miss Y/L/N has woken up." An automated voice over an intercom system said.

Suddenly the door bursts open. Rogers, Barnes, Romanoff, Stark, and three others walk in. I focus on the unknowns. The first is a big, bulky guy with a very recognizable outfit. But what really gave him away was the hammer in his hand.

"Bob the Builder," I mutter, pointing at him. Next I looked at a man who was the opposite; dressed in a plain button down and plain slacks, but I recognized his face. "Green Giant." and finally I turned to the last one. Easily recognizable in his brightly-colored suit, but his face was, as always, covered. "And Bugsy."

"She's a little bit out of it from the morphine." Banner explained.

"I do not understand this Midgardian language. What is a Bob the Builder?" Odinson asked.

"It was a kid's show from kind of a long time ago. It was about Bob, a builder, and he carried a hammer." Spider-Man explained.

"She's trying to identify you, Thor." Barnes explained. "She's got a good memory."

"I remember everything." I mumble.

"Really? Everything?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah. Part of my powers. I'm not called Erinnerung for nothing, Stars and Stripes."

"Why don't I get a cool nickname?" 

"Stark. Not helping." Romanoff said. "Remember why we're here."

"Oh, I could tell you!" I looked at Romanoff, raising my arm like a child at school. "You want to know why I was saying Verdienen, and how I got shot when no one in the room had a gun." I giggled, and saw a few of them shiver.

"Well, an explanation would be kinda nice. I don't know about you guys, but I'm confused." Spider-Man said.

"Oh bugsy, everything you need to know you've already found." I was tired.

"Erin." Barnes stepped close to me so I would focus on him. "What happened?"

"Oh, Barney, it's all in a name." I chuckled. I was tired, so I shut my eyes.

"Riddles. Great." Someone muttered.

"Hey guys, maybe we should wait for her to be in a better state of mind to ask her questions." Banner spoke up.  I don't know what they did, but I hear footsteps walking out and the door closing. But the lights were still on. I opened my eyes and to my surprise saw Thor Odinson.

"Fear not, Lady Erin. You will heal."

"Thanks Bobby." I gave him a toothy grin. He smiled, too, then turned to the door and left. This time the lights shut off, and I drifted off to sleep.


I dreamed that while walking in a meadow, I came across a pond. Despite the lush green grass and colorful flowers, the pond was frozen over. Looking down at my feet, I saw I was wearing ice skates. Excited, I gracefully glided on the ice, just doing laps, figure eights, and just letting my feet carry me. I was smiling, having fun. Real fun, that caused happiness to bloom in my cold heart. I started to laugh. I looked down at my feet and stopped. Below the surface of the water were hundreds of bodies, all packed together in a horrifying, permanent tangle. I tried to run, but forgot I was wearing skates and fell. The ice cracked, and suddenly the bodies started pounding on the glass, trying to get it to break. I scrambled, causing more ice to break. Suddenly a hand shot through the ice and grasped my ankle in the grip of the dead. More hands grabbed me, pulling me down. The ice beneath me broke, and freezing water surrounded me as I was dragged to the bottom, trying to scream, but couldn't.

I woke up screaming instead.


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