15 - "Until the End"

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Another day, another mission, I thought to myself. Ben and V were right. Everyone else was needed, so I was home alone again. Alone with my thoughts, which was not a good thing. To try to keep my thoughts away, and my unwanted friends, I decided to keep my mind busy with other things. I walked into Tony's workshop, and decided to make presents for everyone. I decided to make a small metal 'family tree', with little pictures of the Avengers and me. It took a while, but when I was finished I put it in a box and put it on the kitchen table to be unveiled later.

"Oh, it would look perfect with a little 'forever family' plate at the heart of the tree," I said, and ran back into the shop to weld one. After a few minutes I held up my handiwork, and was about the run out of the room when Tony's computer caught my eye. They'd all left in a hurry this morning, so he left it out. I was about to put it away for him when I read my name on the screen. Curious, I scrolled to the top to see the whole file was about me. There was a video, dated to the day that I first came.

"Ignore that, Erin." I heard Gestorben's voice say.

"You know that will only tempt me more." I muttered, and pressed play.

"We finally caught Y/N. I wanted to run a few tests, nothing harmful, just draw some blood and look at it, but Barnes said not to. That she has to trust us." I stopped the video. That was months ago, not very relevant. What's the most recent entry? Two days ago, when I called the Avengers my family. Aw, this ought to be cute. 

"Y/N, don't." Verdienen's flute-like voice pleaded.

I pressed play.

"Y/N called us her family today. Nearly shattered my heart. She's getting more comfortable with her powers . . . getting stronger, and it might become a problem in the future. I've begun construction on a device I hope can neutralize her. If I can somehow erase her memory, her powers will be useless, and might even disappear." I paused it. I couldn't listen. I thought they supported my powers, that they supported me.

"What the hell. What-" I felt tears welt in my eyes as my throat closed. Fool. Idiot. You thought you could trust them? Idiot. Idiot idiot idiot. I was devastated. My family betrayed me. They thought of me as a menace, not someone they could trust. I felt my heart harden and close. If they don't trust me, then I don't trust them. 

"Y/N, please, think nothing of that." Ben appeared before me.

"Go away. You wanted to hide this from me, so I would get hurt!" I screamed.

"Y/N-" V began.

"No! That's not my name. My name is Agent Erinnerung, identification number J56. I am not Y/N Y/L/N. Not anymore. That foolish girl can die. She should've never existed. Only Erinnerung!" I felt my blood begin to boil. I took the metal plate I had just made and marched over to the tree. Their smiling faces mocked me, as if they could see my broken heart and were smiling at my pain. I grabbed the tree, and ran back to the shop. I tore it apart, not caring how the metal dug into my hands. I melted it all down into a glob of nothing, and threw it in with the scrap metal.

"Miss Y/L/N, are-"

"Shut up JARVIS!" I was blinded by fury. 

"Please just breathe, okay? You can't turn your back on your family." A small hand grabbed mine, but I pulled away.

"V, I swear. I will kill you again." I hissed.


"NOT. NOW." I began to cry, and that only made me angrier.

"I am sensing fury and hurt. Should I call someone for you?" The robot continued.

"JARVIS, I don't need your help." I turned towards the two agents. "And you two. Go away. I don't want to see you. Ever." I growled. They nodded sadly before disappearing, and as soon as they did, I ran to my room. I collapsed onto my chair, letting the tears flow, sobbing. I was so angry and hurt that I could only think of one thing.

They mean nothing to me. No, that's not entirely true; they're targets. Enemies. An hour ago I wasn't willing to continue my mission. But now? Now I won't just bring them to their knees.

I'll bring them to their graves.


After I discovered their betrayal, I pretended as if nothing had changed. When they returned from their mission, I gave them smiles, I talked with them, even laughed with them. Bucky kept giving me worried glances, like I was a delicate piece of porcelain that would shatter. It infuriated me, that he thought I was weak, but I ignored it. I would refer to them by their names out loud, but in my mind they remained who I would see them as on any other mission; last names.




I continued to practice my abilities, which I loved; I practiced in spite of Stark. Every night, I plotted their downfall, and Verdienen and Gestorben stayed away.

When I grew comfortable that they suspected nothing, I summoned my favorite gadget. It was a tiny thing, about the size of my fingertip. When attached to any piece of tech, it will hack into it. Any information the device had would be sent back to Hydra.

Showtime, Y/N.





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