5 - "Crystalised"

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My eyes snap open at the sound of silence. I take a deep breath as I blink against the bright lights of the hotel bathroom, and release it as I sit up. I listen for a moment.


I listen for any thoughts around me.


Deciding it was safe, I open the bathroom door and look at the electric clock next to the bed. 

'I've been out for seven hours. I need to get moving.'

I grab the remote sitting next to the clock and turn on the television on the opposite wall. Switching between channels, I finally find what I'm looking for.

"Breaking News: A possibly dangerous woman has been placed on high alert as authorities around the globe work to find her. If you see this woman, contact the police. Do not approach them." The newscaster said. A photo of me appeared on the screen. I remembered when it was taken. I had just returned from a mission. But none of that mattered. I had to keep moving. I went over possible escape plans.

'Maybe our mystery agent ran into the hotel?'

'Oh no. Time to go.' I opened the door, my Y/E/C eyes scanning the walls until they stopped at a small red box on the wall. I walked over to it, and pulled it down. Fire alarms started ringing, and as everyone else made their way out the front door, I went inside the stairwell, my key card in hand. I went down to the basement, unlocked the door, and surveyed the room. There was a delivery truck  that was half unloaded, several service uniforms, and workers' lockers. I turned my attention to the lockers. I grabbed some cheese wire from the truck, picked a lock, and opened it. There was a scarf, so I took that. Opening another, I found some sunglasses and a change of clothes. Opening a third, I hit the jackpot; a small purse, filled with all sorts of items, including pepper spray, a taser, and a knife. I took it, changed into my new outfit, and stuffed my old clothes into the bag. Satisfied, I grabbed some canned food from the truck, stuffed in and the rest of my stuff into the bag, and walked out, the alarms still blaring.


After what I estimated to be three hours, the sun started to set. I had walked far away from the Hydra office. I walked into a nearby alley, and decided to sleep there. There was a man asleep across from me, but when I sat down, he woke up.

"Hello miss. Are you alright?" His voice was raspy.

"I'm alright. Just tired." I manipulated my voice to sound higher.

"Well, you're more than welcome here. Are you cold?" He sat up, digging through a tattered bag next to him. "Here. I have an extra blanket so you don't have to sleep on the cold ground." He offered it to me.

"Oh, thank you." I was a little bit surprised. This man, who had nothing, was sharing with me. 'People are so strange.' "Um, I have some food we could share." I pulled out two cans of soup from my bag. "It'll have to be a little bit cold." 

"Oh, I love cold soup!" He laughed. He accepted the soup from me. He pulled the tab off of it and we drank from the can together. He was telling me a story that was probably meant to make someone laugh, but I faked it. I shut off my heart a long time ago. Before I could finish my soup, a dark figure stood at the alley entrance. But the thing that caught my eye about the figure was his shiny left arm. I put down my soup and stood, motioning for the man to stay.

"The Winter Soldier. A legend turned traitor." I projected so he could hear me.

"Y/N. A baby turned into a weapon." He stepped closer.

"You've read my file."

"I have." He took another step.

"Then you know what I can do." I took a step this time.

"Agent Erinnerung. German for 'memory'. But your real name is Y/N Y/L/N." Closer he stepped.

"Not anymore." We were a few feet away.

"Well-" He started.

"Don't come any closer." I interrupted. "You're a traitor, a turncoat."

"No. I was a tool. Like you are now." He retorted.

"Call it what you will. You work for them now." I took a step back.

"And you're on the wrong side. I can help you." He stayed where he was.

"They sent you because they thought I would trust you more, since you've been through what I have. But they're wrong. You had a life outside H.Y.D.R.A. I didn't. Your mind was already poisoned. Mine wasn't."

"Then show me." He cautiously took a step forward. I let him. "You know I've read your file. I know what you are capable of. So show me." He held out his human arm.

I hesitated. How would the General want me to handle this? An idea popped into my head. 'Play the part.' So I walked towards him, and reached out my hand. 

'Where's Tony?' I heard him think.

"You liar." I turned around and tried to run, but he grabbed me, the cold metal of his arm circling my wrist. "You knew what I was going to do." I tried to break free, but Iron Man grabbed my other arm, then took the other from Barnes. He handcuffed me.

"Like I said, I read your file. Sam?" He looked up. 

"Got it!" I heard him say from the sky. He fired a shot at me, another dart, but I jumped, pushing my feet against the Winter Soldier and putting all of my weight on Iron Man. He toppled over, surprised, and I saw the dart hit the only one left standing. He was so surprised, it took him a minute to process the dart, and by then it was too late; he fell to the ground. I rolled away from the giant hunk of metal that was currently trying to grab me, and looped my legs through my hands so the cuffs were in front of me. I pushed my wrist against the ground, effectively dislocating it, pulled the cuff off, and popped my wrist back in. It hurt, but now I could fight easier. I pushed myself up, right as Falcon fired another dart, but I was already running. I ran towards the old man and my bag, grabbing the handgun from it.

"Oh, you're here. Right." I hit him with the barrel of my gun, then grabbed his arm, erasing his memory of me and the fight. Satisfied, I shot three shots at Falcon, making him swerve. He flew towards me, trying to grab my arm, but I rolled, right into the hold of Iron Man. He held my elbow tight, but I flipped over his shoulder, and at the same time took my titanium knife and jammed it into the power source of his suit; his arc reactor. It flickered and then died, causing the mighty Iron Man to fall to his knees. "Might want to fly your friend back to his lab, birdie." I called before sprinting out of the alley.


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