18 - "Evil Walks"

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Ugh. I don't know what to do. I can't complete my mission, not after what Bucky did for me. And I know what a failed mission would mean if I went back to Hydra. But I can't join the Avengers, or even SH.I.E.L.D. Can I? And if I can, who's to say they'll trust me? Just because Bucky didn't tell them about what I almost did, doesn't mean I didn't do it. I was still willing to bring them down, whatever the cost. And it's not like the others can be trusted. Only Barnes stuck his neck out for me, was willing to protect me. Are the others? Do they care at all? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Hey, Y/N. How're you feeling?" Romanoff said.

"I'm doing good. What's up?" I asked.

"We have a mission today." She sat down on the bed next to me.

"I know. Bucky was called away for a briefing last night, so I guessed you would all be leaving this morning. I'll probably read a book, practice a little bit." I was a little bit disappointed. I wanted to watch a movie with everyone, survey their thoughts to see what they thought of me, to see if I could trust them.

Chuckling to herself, she said, "No, Y/N. I came here to ask if you wanted to join us."

I stared at her in shock. Stammering, I responded, "Wh-you - what?"

She laughed. "We want you to come with us. I think it'd do you good to get out the tower, stretch your legs. Bucky said it would be good for you to do something with us. You know, like a team-building exercise."

"A team-building exercise? Going on a mission? Are you sure that's a good idea?" I was bewildered, but unsure they wanted me to come.

"Why wouldn't it? You've shown a lot of improvements over the past few months." She said, smiling.

Right. She doesn't know about how I almost brought their world down around their ears, I thought, but I knew what my answer was. "Count me in."

Natasha smiled, pleased. "Awesome. C'mon, we got to go gear up!" She took my hand and together we walked to the training room, then walked to the back of it, where everyone's gear was stored. I'd never been back here, so my eyes sparkled with wonder as I saw all the gadgets lining the walls.

"Welcome to the Cave, kid." Stark said. I was still a little wary of him, especially when he was smirking at me like that.

"Hi." I said, sounding unsure. "Um, why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason." His eyes were teaming with mischief.

"You know, I could look inside your head and answer my question that way." I crossed my arms in front of me.

"That would ruin your surprise." He walked around the table he was behind and stepped in front of me. "Close your eyes and hand out your hand."

I narrowed my eyes, deciding whether or not to listen. With an eye roll, I let my curiosity win, and closed my eyes, holding both of my hands flat out in front of me. A smooth, cool metal object was placed on my palms. Opening my eyes, I saw there was a single button on it. "A remote? What does it do?"

"Press the button and find out." Tony stepped beside me, sweeping his hand over the room.

"A lover of theatrics you are, Stark." I rolled my eyes again and pressed the button. I heard a whirring sound to my left, and as I turned to look, a section of the wall fell to reveal a suit, like Natasha's.

I gasped, stepping closer to look at it. It was beautiful suit, shining from the light above it. I turned back to Tony, my eyes glistening. "Is this . . . for me?"

His face broke into a boyish grin. "It is. It was actually Sam's idea. He said if you're coming you need a suit, so Steve can still say, 'suit up.'"

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