1 - "War"

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"Start!" The Instructor yelled. My fight partner was considerably taller and much stronger, so I'd have to choose my path carefully. As he charged towards me, I devised a game plan. As he was closing in, I closed one eye, lept up, and while he tried to punch where I was, I pushed off of his shoulder and launched myself towards the lights. I grabbed the wires and pulled, hard, until they went out. I opened my closed eye, which was adjusted to the dark by now. He, however, was blind, so I attacked. I plowed my elbow into the base of his skull, and he stumbled to the ground.

I chuckled. "Come on, Gestorben." I said mockingly. "Get up!" I kicked him in the stomach, then pushed his face onto the rough concrete. Scoffing, I added, "pathetic." His arm shot out and grabbed my leg, but I stomped his hand with my free foot. Taking a knife from my belt, I pressed the tip right above his spinal cord. I felt his shoulders stiffen. "We've been in a class together long enough for you to know I won't hesitate to cut your brain off from the rest of your body. So, just say those two little words, and you get to live." I taunted, delicately tracing the tip around his neck, applying just enough pressure to break the skin as I drew a heart.

"Fine. I surrender." He grumbled angrily. "Now back off!" 

I heard the instructor clap, right as the backup lights came on. The room was filled with a haunting glow as she said, "marvelous job, as always, Erinnerung. But today is a little bit different. The victor is rewarded, as always, but to win the other party must be eliminated. Permanently."

When Instructor said that, Gestorben rolled away from me. We could both see the other now, so my advantage was out the window. "Okay, are abilities allowed?" I asked.

"Yes. Use whatever you wish." Instructor answered.

"Great." And with that I ran at Gestorben, pulling off my gloves as I went. I spun out of reach of his knife, and grabbed his outreached hand. My eyes and hands glowed a soft, crimson red as I removed the part of his memory where the Instructor said one of us had to die. A ring of red circled around his pupil, and his eyes went glassy. He blinked his eyes, his face scrunched with confusion. 

"Erinnerung? When did I get here? I thought-" He was interrupted by my knife raking across his throat. His eyes widened in shock as his hands went to the slit, trying to stop the blood spewing from his body. And within seconds, that's all he was; a body.

"Think again," was all I said as I wiped my knife on his uniform. "I'm taking a nap now, Instructor."

The robot nodded, calling for an escort team as I pulled my gloves back on, not even batting an eye at the corpse still leaking scarlet next to me.


My eyes snap open at the sound of light footsteps approaching my door. I take a deep breath as I hear the key turn in the lock, and release it as the door is opened. 

"Good morning, Erinnerung" A familiar voice greets.

"Good morning, Caretaker." I say, voice void of emotion. 

"Are you prepared for your mission?" Caretaker says, in a voice that shows no feel. 

"Hail Hydra." I chant, showing I was ready. She takes a separate key and unlocks the restraints on my bed. As a reward from the success from my last mission, I was served a breakfast of toast  with plain butter and plain eggs. I eat quickly, but smoothly, with the poise of a trained killer. When finished, Caretaker attaches the everyday chains to the bands on my gloves, and we leave my room together. Four heavily armed guards await me outside as the Caretaker closes and locks my door. The six of us walk in near silence, barely making a sound as we travel to my favorite room. We stop at the heavy Armory doors, as two of the guards enter their access codes. The doors open with a loud click and swing open to reveal a wide room, filled to the brim on one side with all sorts of weapons,  ranging from a single-shot gun to thousands of carefully stored explosives. On the other side of the room was a table and several chairs, surrounded by dozens of plans, waiting for the right agent. But I turned my attention towards the woman standing at the head of the table, looking at a hologram of the Avengers tower. Her curly auburn hair was tied back into an ordinary bun, as it was every day. 

"Erinnerung." She spoke.

"General." I responded. She gestured to the chair closest to me, the chair I always sat in when being briefed for a mission. As I sat down, Caretaker locked my chains to the chair. 

"Thank you, Caretaker. You are dismissed." General monotoned. "Take the Defenders with you."

"Yes, ma'am." Caretaker quietly left the room, the four guards trailing behind her. Once the door closed, General turned to me.

"What's the mission?" I asked.

"Use your skills, Erinnerung. Tell me." General moved her hands, gesturing towards herself and keeping her arms open. 

"As you wish." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and listened. There was the quiet hum of electricity running through the lights above me and in the table in front of me, but that wasn't what I was looking for. With ease, I turned my focus to General, tuning in to her thoughts.

'Today's mission is simple. I need you to collect valuable intel for an upcoming mission. You will be given the location, a map, and a description of  where the information is kept.. This is to be a stealth mission. Keep it quiet. No casualties.' 

"Understood. Intel Code Gray." I said, using the codes I learned long ago. She nodded.

"You will be working alone. A pack is already ready with everything you need in Output. If you succeed, a very important mission will be rewarded to you." General added.


"Good." She pressed a button on her armband, signaling for a Caretaker and guard duty to escort me there. "Erinnerung." The door opened behind me, and a new team prepared me to walk. "Hail Hydra." General said.

"Hail Hydra!" I said, and the five others in the room joined in. I turned and walked out.


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