Closing Remarks

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Hello, my lovely reader! I hope you enjoyed reading this story! I had a lot of fun writing it, and while it's been a while since the release of Aim: Avenger, I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads votes, but especially the comments. They brighten my day and never cease to make me laugh; but most importantly, they help me to become a better writer.

Before I say goodbye, I have one last announcement: the sequel, Aim: Hydra is fully released! Follow the rest of the story with Y/N, and what happens in the aftermath of Y/N's departure. Here's the description:

Such a strange concept. How does one define it?


1. the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
2. an institution for people needing professional care or supervision.

My family was with the Avengers. Or was it? Don't get me wrong, they were all lovely people; supportive, caring, nice. Comforting. Safe. But was it home?

My residence in Hydra was definitely an institution, and supervision was kind of their thing. It was a different kind of lovely, a more brutal, harsh kind. It was a part of me. Is a part of me. But was it home?

1. return by instinct to its territory after leaving it.

Which one do I return to?"

I hope you enjoy, and thank you again!

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